
Pickup choice help


Hero Member
I am looking for a neck HB to go with my bridge Duncan 59 trembucker in my Mahogany Strat.  Any suggestions?  Duncan Jazz?  I am going for mostly vintage PAF tones.


I think that the RG BBQ/Texas set would be quite a safe bet. I know that there are several members here including me that have used them with great results..
sorry, didn't read your email properly..so you only need a neck hb.. all I read was 'suggestions...pickup...mahogany strat..paf tone..' :)

try the RG Genuine Texas or a Muy Grande. I also noticed they have a new 'buffalo bucker' that aparently 'replicates a typical 50's combo'
spauldingrules said:
What about two 59s?  Would this be a "waste" of potential versatility? 

There's nothing wrong with matching pickups. Sometimes we get carried away with the idea of "versatility" probably because we can. A neck pickup sounds different to a bridge pickup anyway, irrespective of being a match or not, simply by being in a different place so if you like the 59 by all means go with another one. You won't have any varying output issues at least...... :icon_thumright:
I think a Rio Grande TX humbucker will over overwhelm your '59, it's WAY hotter/louder; I'd say just go for the matching '59 neck HB for balanced vintage PAF tone
spauldingrules said:
I am looking for a neck HB to go with my bridge Duncan 59 trembucker in my Mahogany Strat.  Any suggestions?  Duncan Jazz?  I am going for mostly vintage PAF tones.



I'd say go with the Duncan Jazz my self.