Photography Thread

Don't any of you guys own a camera?
Well I assume most people here have one in their phone :LOL: but...

I have an older Cannon Rebel that I bought (used) for a photography class. I enjoy photography but don't find much time for it with too many other interests/pursuits. These days I mostly use it for photographing my ceramics.

Here's one y'all might enjoy: it's a lantern/luminary with it's shape based on an EL84 vacuum tube, decorated with a smattering of random amp schematics and lit from within. Took the picture in a local park/wetland/woodland area.

lampon3 copy.jpeg
Don't any of you guys own a camera?

We're too busy playing guitars ;)

No, but seriously, photography is something that I've been interested in learning for a long time, but all the usual excuses of time, opportunity, practice, blah, blah, blah, blah....

Hoping to get some opportunity to learn my DSLR better next month when I'm traveling for work and have a bit of downtime while I'm out there.

I'll be nearer to actual Warmoth country compared to where I live, but no opportunity to actually go there. Not renting a car while I'm out in Seattle and getting an Uber/Lyft just to drive past the facility and take a picture is kind of a dumb idea. :ROFLMAO: And not like they have a retail shop or do factory tours anyway (that I know of....).
Looking East from Cardiff State Beach, Encinitas, CA.

Post some of your favorite photographic images you've taken. I'll start:

Roadside stop, California Route 99 near Fresno:
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What is it about California kitsch that makes it so photographable? Gotta love it.

And I have spent way more of my life on 99 than I care to think about. Most of it is nowhere near as picturesque.
9 years ago we retired some farm land near our house from production, and worked on creating an area for butterflies,birds & bees. It's nice to go outside this time of year and watch all of the air traffic going on.

What is it about California kitsch that makes it so photographable? Gotta love it.

And I have spent way more of my life on 99 than I care to think about. Most of it is nowhere near as picturesque.

I like old signs, especially neons. Here are a couple more of my photos of signs:

Motel in Colusa, California
Rvrside Motel Colusa.jpg

Old cafe, somewhere in eastern Washington
McCoys Cafe sign WA.jpg
One of the guitar theme's I'd like to do it to is an "Andy Summer's" type guitar that is covered with photo's he has taken, transferring photo's onto a Warmoth guitar body. This photo of a Hawk sitting on a fence post in my backyard would be one of those.

Hawk-E copy.jpeg
I like old things. Besides old signs, I like old cars and trucks, especially old abandoned ones, in various stages of entropy. Here are a few I found in Montana while on vacation:
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These are great shots, Mike. Now lost to the vagaries of time and chance, I used to have a print of a photo I took back in 1986 when I was in the Army of a broke-down old truck with backlit by the setting sun coming through its windows. Evidently rusted out jalopies, too, are subjects you and I both like.