
Photo art


Hero Member
We've had photography threads before, but it's been a while. How about sharing some images that you made just for the sake of "making art". I'll start with a series I call "Funky Americana":






"Funky America" is a good title for these also.
It might be nice to tell what camera and lens are used.

These of course aren't mine but I think it's a great collection of vintage photos:
Count me in. I'm not the best photographer in the world but I do enjoy it.

1920's Coca-Cola crate and umbrella stand in the entrance of my house.

Canon KissX3 (T2i in the US) with a 18-55mm kit lens

I call this one "The Clapton Brothers"

Canon 60D with a standard 50mm f2.8 lens


Believe it or not, this was taken with an iPhone 3


Canon 60D with a 50mm f2.8 lens

My girls

Canon 60D with the 50mm f2.8 lens

That straight 50mm f2.8 lens has a lot of limitations but once you get used to using it it sure is a fun lens to play around with. I usually have that lens on my camera unless I absolutely can't use it.
Steve_Karl said:
"Funky America" is a good title for these also.
It might be nice to tell what camera and lens are used.

Hi Steve: These are from my photo archives - all taken quite a while ago. I don't remember the exact camera/lens combinations, but all would have been shot with a Nikon SLR - either an F2AS or an FM. As for lenses, I had a lot of them. For these I probably used mostly a moderate wide angle (either a 28 or a 35mm) and a normal lens - and I used either a 50mm or a 55mm micro Nikkor a lot. THey were shot on film (transparency or black & white) and scanned on a Minolta film scanner (Dimage Elite 5400) which gave me nice large files to work with.
Thanks for the info. mrpinter. I never did "film" except for a very old brownie camera in the 50's.
I got back into it with a Canon HV40 in 2010 and sold that to get a Panasonic GH2 in April 2013
and am just learning as I go. I'll drop a few in this thread every so often as I find them.

"I give you the 8th note"

GH2 with 45-200mm f/4.0-5.6 very close to the 200 end.
I just want to recognize and express appreciation for the nice work from Steve and from Mullyman. Good stuff guys.
Thanks mrpinter

Yours is inspiring, making me know I want to get out for a long drive and explore.
Nice work! Good composition. Nice contrast. Sharp focus. Good depth-of-field. You look like you know what you're doing when you capture an image.

I especially like the old pickup in front of the restaurant.
Thanks so much Dan, it's nice getting a compliment on something you've paid your dues on. I have a university degree in fine art with most of my time there spent in the darkroom, and then I was fortunate enough to be able to earn my living as a photographer and designer. Are you a photographer?
mrpinter said:
Thanks so much Dan, it's nice getting a compliment on something you've paid your dues on. I have a university degree in fine art with most of my time there spent in the darkroom, and then I was fortunate enough to be able to earn my living as a photographer and designer. Are you a photographer?

Isn't that interesting! My degree is in commercial/graphic arts and I too spent a lot of time in the dark room.
mrpinter said:
I just want to recognize and express appreciation for the nice work from Steve and from Mullyman. Good stuff guys.

Thank ya, kind sir. And kudos to you and yours as well.
That's a great shot. I love the infinite white.
yea ... people ... I gotta find me some people to pose.
mrpinter said:
How about some people photography? This image is of Vince Neil - and friend - from the Motley Crue Too Fast For Love photo session (I designed and photographed their first album's artwork).


Now THAT is awesome. I'm not a big Motley Crue fan anymore but back at that time, wow, they were my band. I was following them even before Shout At The Devil was released. This pic really takes me back and makes me feel 15 years old again. Fantastic!! Would love to see more of these.
mrpinter said:
Well, I had a lot of images from that shoot, but I sold them and the rights to them a couple of years ago. Here is the end product of that session - the album cover I designed. The crotch in the picture belongs to Vince, and yes, I did have Sticky Fingers in mind when I designed that. If you're going to plagiarize then steal from the best!


Oh yeah, I know that album cover very well. I have the original, before they were signed to Elektra, somewhere up there in one of the boxes. I have the Guns N Roses rape scene cover too. Good lord, how far back in the closet are they???
mrpinter said:
How about some people photography? This image is of Vince Neil - and friend - from the Motley Crue Too Fast For Love photo session (I designed and photographed their first album's artwork).

Wow, Too fast for Love, that seems like an eternity ago...Pretty cool.. :icon_thumright:
mrpinter said:
Well, I had a lot of images from that shoot, but I sold them and the rights to them a couple of years ago. Here is the end product of that session - the album cover I designed. The crotch in the picture belongs to Vince, and yes, I did have Sticky Fingers in mind when I designed that. If you're going to plagiarize then steal from the best!

Tommy Lee would have probably been a better "member' of the band for that shoot... :laughing11: