
Paul Gilbert Fuzz Universe Preview Song!


Hero Member

I LOVE IT :headbang:

This guy is a f******* genius
Wow. Just... wow. That is excellent! I almost pre-ordered the disk. First time I've been tempted to buy a disk in a long time - had my credit card out and everything - but it turns out it's on Shrapnel Records, who is a member of the RIAA. So... I'll just have to go without. I'm not going to encourage those dingbats. Maybe someday Paul will wise up and publish his own stuff, rather than give it away to those bloodsucking monsters so they can abuse his fans. Until then, I'll wait for his concerts.

RIAA member list
Cagey said:
Wow. Just... wow. That is excellent! I almost pre-ordered the disk. First time I've been tempted to buy a disk in a long time - had my credit card out and everything - but it turns out it's on Shrapnel Records, who is a member of the RIAA. So... I'll just have to go without. I'm not going to encourage those dingbats. Maybe someday Paul will wise up and publish his own stuff, rather than give it away to those bloodsucking monsters so they can abuse his fans. Until then, I'll wait for his concerts.

RIAA member list

You don't buy anything from a label that is a memeber of the RIAA?
Not any more. Haven't for a long time. Not that I've missed much. They ain't makin' no new Led Zeppelins <grin> Unfortunately, every once in a while a Paul Gilbert type comes along, and it pains me to go without. But, the RIAA has been screwing both the artists and their customers for too long, and then they went lawsuit-happy on the very people they were ripping off, so I said to hell with them. I'm not going to encourage their business model by buying their products.

And no, I'm not a pirate. I don't download music I haven't paid for or that isn't offered for free. I just go without stuff from misguided labels. I've got a fairly good-sized collection from years ago, so it's not like I'm suffering without any music at all.