

Cagey said:
rapfohl09 said:
Sooooo he took a tremolo bar and cut it short? :icon_scratch:

That's what it looks like. Not exactly "revolutionary". Guys have been shortening and re-bending vibrato arms for years, pretty much ever since such a thing existed. They just didn't generally take them down to nearly useless little nubbins.

Seriously....I cut the bar shorter on my Squier when I was 12....
rapfohl09 said:
Cagey said:
rapfohl09 said:
Sooooo he took a tremolo bar and cut it short? :icon_scratch:

That's what it looks like. Not exactly "revolutionary". Guys have been shortening and re-bending vibrato arms for years, pretty much ever since such a thing existed. They just didn't generally take them down to nearly useless little nubbins.

Seriously....I cut the bar shorter on my Squier when I was 12....
if that wasmore that30years ago, sue the guy, you were the revolutionary one
So by cutting the bar shorter you can "almost" sound like Van Halen instead of with a normal bar and sound exactly(or as close as possible) like him?

Not sure I understand the reasoning there.

The mass and length are a key aspect of a vibrato bar.    Plus that thing looks like it would injure your hand if you were strumming hard.
rapfohl09 said:
Sooooo he took a tremolo bar and cut it short?


And turned it around backwards and fixed it to the trem so it doesn't swivel.  Apparently the swivel of where you need them was too much to handle.  I feel the same about trems, so I fix them in place so they don't move either.
well the real question is will the p whammy help you get girls?  :headbang1:       
Probably not
A backwards, mini arm is quite revolutionary.  Kinda like the U-bar on the Ibanez Apex (Munky from KoRn's signature) 7 string trem

Except, of course, ^^that looks better and seems more useful.
AutoBat said:
A backwards, mini arm is quite revolutionary.  Kinda like the U-bar on the Ibanez Apex (Munky from KoRn's signature) 7 string trem
Except, of course, ^^that looks better and seems more useful.

It's also right and lefthanded.
That truck bed liner finish is... ummm, really... something, huh? Too bad Stradivarius didn't know about it, make a bitchin' violin. yEaHAh! :binkybaby:
The "trill" (actually a "warble") he speaks of can easily be done with any wiggle-stick:

Simply point the tip away from the fretboard (or, in other words, point the trem tip towards the bottom of the guitar), and
tap it with your fingers or palm or whatever...  warble-city.
Rickgrxbass said:
AutoBat said:
Except, of course, ^^that looks better and seems more useful.

At the very least, it protects the fine tuners from bumps  :dontknow:
That's one of the features that Munky had put on the Floyd U-bar, plus a regular arm can still be swapped in.