
Orange computers?

i suddenly feel very old. I'm thinking to myself "this crazy new technology... I'm happy with all analog guitar amplifier, thank you."
I'm pretty into the idea of plugging directly into an amp and a computer at the same time for recording.. now if I can figure out a way to run OSX on there..
knucklehead G said:
I'm pretty into the idea of plugging directly into an amp and a computer at the same time for recording.. now if I can figure out a way to run OSX on there..

You can't do that! Those are two different operating systems, you're comparing Apples and Oranges!

(Sorry, second time I've cracked that joke, but I thought it was amusing. :blob7:)
This smells like a hoax.  An amp/computer combo?  EMI interference much?

Plus, any serious computer geek will tell you that DDR2 introduces a seriously gnarly resonant peak around 7.18KHz in the signal.  Use DDR3 instead, the increased frequency pushes the resonant peak out of audible range.

Just kidding.  I made that last part up.  ;)
tubby.twins said:
This smells like a hoax.  An amp/computer combo?  EMI interference much?

Plus, any serious computer geek will tell you that DDR2 introduces a seriously gnarly resonant peak around 7.18KHz in the signal.  Use DDR3 instead, the increased frequency pushes the resonant peak out of audible range.

Just kidding.  I made that last part up.  ;)

i hope the hoax part is a joke too, why would a company like orange want to tease it's customers with vaporware?
interference isn't a big problem for me at home. the amps own power transformer is probably a bigger source of interference than the pc. crt monitors were a bigger problem than the computer ever was. i'm sure they are shielded and orange tests for these things anyway.

weldfish said:
If it could run on Linux I would be interested in one.

why wouldn't you be able too? there isn't much out there that can't run linux, my wireless router runs dd-wrt which is basically linux, i think, my brother is the expert who installed it, i dont really know anything about it.
if the question is if there will be support for all the hardware well i'll bet there is something compatable. had this come with windows XP then NDISwrapper would allow the use of the windows drivers in linux. being that it runs on win 7 you may have a problem but i'll bet that the internal hardware is fairly conventional and some research of what chipset they use will lead you to a driver that works at least partially.
if you just want to run linux software then you can run it inside windows but that doesn't make much sense so i'll shut up.

but what is the problem with windows anyway? i know microsoft is evil but windows 7 is a decent OS as was XP and 2000 and NT.
so 95,98,ME, and vista were all junk and bogged down the computer and were full of bugs and frequently gave the blue screen of death.  you have little to worry about with 7. i promise!

no really i haven't had any problems with 7 so far.
It's not surprising things have come to this.

Today's PCB-construction, IC-chip, ribbon-cable amps aren't far from being computers as they are.

(Don't assume I'm saying that like it's a good thing, cuz it ain't)

Somewhere along the way, around say the late 60's (and gaining steam in the 80's), corporate douchebaggery crept into
the amp manufacturing process as they strayed from the tried-and-true tone formula in lieu for mojo-less bells and whistles and
cheaper labor processes.