
One great one, or a room full?

here is my dilemma

I have

1 strat, with SD pickups, does multi tasking and I am about to block the trem and turn into my full time slide guitar
1 PRS Custom 22 triple soapbar, Has that vintage vibe sound, pull it our when we are about to do vintage rock and need that Gibson sound
1 Barndoor Tele, a mean nasty axe with Mojo dripping off the neck, my Blues Guitar and it is my go to guitar
1 Mollenhauer G35 (ES 335 clone) Has that great Allman Brothers sound, can't get enough of that axe
1 Washburn bass, nuff said
1 Washburn Accoustic, best box I have ever found

I need

1 Traditional Tele for C&W and the likes, next build
Replace the Bass, might just do that with a gecko build
update the Accoustic, have been playing a Martin and a Taylor down at the music store jonesing for the update but the Washburn and myselg go back 20 some years and that will be a hard one to part with.
A Jazz Box, just because.

Like I said,  I need the bunch because I like the variety of sound, music is all sound

If I could only own 1 guitar, it would have to be a Martin Jumbo Dreadnaught because sooner of late every guitarist is just a old man sitting on his porch strumming his guitar, no amp, no crowd, just you and your guitar and your music alone. And that is when you are a pure musician, when you are playing to yourself, just to hear the music in your mind.

Well, my plan is to start with one great one.
But ask me again in a year or two ... I've only just ordered the first one and I'm already GASing about the second!

[edit for spellin']
stubhead said:
When you look at the staggering number of great musicians who play only one guitar at a time - from Jeff Beck to John Scofield

You should check out JB's Rock and Roll Party DVD where he breaks out some of the collection. Along with the regular white Strat, he plays a Gibson L5 & LP, Gretch Duo Jet, and a couple Teles (one tuned for slide). It also includes an interview with some more collector pieces.
Yeah, the one-guitar-at-a-time heroes - you always think of "Les Paul" when you see Jimmy Page, you always think "Strat" when you see Eric Johnson - it doesn't preclude them from having a pile of guitars. Jimmy Page recently said he needed to get rid of some, because he has "about" 1,500 and he can't even remember where they came from - or why. Joe Perry said about the same thing too, but he only has 500 or so to dispose of. These guys get sent freebies all the time, every once in a while they even play them, which is why you might see Ron Wood with an ESP, etc.
stubhead said:
Yeah, the one-guitar-at-a-time heroes - you always think of "Les Paul" when you see Jimmy Page, you always think "Strat" when you see Eric Johnson - it doesn't preclude them from having a pile of guitars. Jimmy Page recently said he needed to get rid of some, because he has "about" 1,500 and he can't even remember where they came from - or why. Joe Perry said about the same thing too, but he only has 500 or so to dispose of. These guys get sent freebies all the time, every once in a while they even play them, which is why you might see Ron Wood with an ESP, etc.

The same with Slash.  I always think "Les Paul," yet it wasn't uncommon to see him wielding a B.C. Rich Mockingbird...
Stanley Jordan is about the only guitar player I can think of that could play more than one guitar a time.

I'm kinda ashamed I even remembered this guy... :headbang1:
AprioriMark said:
About a year ago, I was cleaning my garage and found a bass tucked away that I'd not only forgotten about, but had played dozens of shows on.


I sometimes think I have a nice collection of guitars and don't need any more..
but then I think about mark and get all compulsive and want more!!!

Seriously, depending on how my financial situation is at the time, I will never stop buying guitars..
stubhead said:

I'm kinda ashamed I even remembered this guy... :headbang1:

Nitro is probably one of the worst bands I've ever had the misfortune of hearing.  Sure, Batio can play fast, but I've never heard anything that evokes any type of emotion in his playing, good or bad.  IMO, that type of playing is nothing more than a fancy party trick...

Anyway, I just love to have a bunch of guitars to choose from.  Sometimes I just get in the mood to play a certain one of my guitars, either because I'm looking for a different sound, or just an overall different experience...