
Oi, one of those days


Master Member
I have some really great students at the high school... but some days I get reminded how petty and judgemental they can be of everyone who doesn't measure up to their incredibly specific standards.   
Yeah, I'm gonna start confiscating some items that I have previously turned a blind eye to as well. 
through highschool my favorite teachers were the ones that were taken advantage of by the kids  :dontknow:  not BECAUSE they were treated badly by other kids, but because they were willing to treat the students in their class like adults. then the kids would start thinking that the teacher's cool attitude was easy to take advantage of, and the class would fall into chaos. kind of like if a substitute was there! sad, but thats the way my favorite art teachers, one math teacher, and my russian teacher were treated.
Well, it's not really me that they're treating badly, it's this other teacher.  She's a really nice lady, and she does a lot for them.  She is constantly trying to get stuff donated for them to work with.  But she is older, and she has funny hair, and she repeats herself a lot, so therefore she's not cool, and they talk about her like she's not even a person.  And then some kids went and complained to our boss saying that they're not learning anything, which is stupid because the reason they're not learning is because they don't put any effort into their work or pay attention in class.  It's just lame.  She's been at that school for like 15 years. 
did the same thing to my awesome law teacher. he passes out work, lets people work in small groups. never really throws tests at us, goes over everything as well as he can. even gave us some awesome freedoms like letting us go early on days with ridiculous snow or letting us go to the vending machine to get a snack or drink. it was so easy to get classwork done, and since he used to be a lawyer he had more awesome stories than he could tell in an entire year. only teacher i ever knew who wore chucks to school every day, too. BUT somebody went to the principal and complained that they didn't learn anything (probably because they talked to their friends through the whole class instead of actually doing anything). i heard the year after i graduated they took that class away from him. he still teaches, but not law. now his brother (who is cool in his own right, but very strict and has no actual law experience) teaches the class. i think he's still in the school, but what he's doing i'm not sure.

huge paragraph short, people suck. especially high school kids.
yeah they really need to bring paddle back into the classroom. jk

the is a lot of talk lately about the implications of no child left behind, some say the teachers need to be more accountable for the standars of education, in some cases that is true but i blame the school boards for week material not how the teachers present it and i blame the parents for raising brats. our poor education of americas students is a big social problem that many people are equally to blame for. the parents, the students, the parents of other students, the people without children that turn down new budgets because they dont want to pay more taxes, the over emphasis on sports and under emphasis on music, poor management of budgets, pushing the belief that college is a necessity in life and trades are somehow undesirable even though most blue collar trades make more money than the average teacher and will always be a necessity to society just like teachers.

ok i had my rant for the day, good luck with your brat students. kids are mean and thats the way it is. it is not something you can change easily do to our lax society, sorry about your friends dilemma. i don't know what you can do to help.
I totally agree with you about most public schools pushing stupid curriculums and wasting money on stuff.  If I had my way, critical thinking would be required all four years of high school, but we know the government and the corporations would never allow that because it's bad for their power and profits for people to see through BS easily.  Generally though I think the problem with school is that it takes learning, which is something that children naturally are interested in, and makes it boring and teaches kids how to do the bare minimum for a grade.  By the time they get to high school they're not interested in learning anymore.  For example, I always excelled at reading and writing.  I was in AP English for 6 years, but in AP, we didn't do any creative writing.  All we wrote the whole time were formal literary analysis, which I hated.  So I got bored and didn't do as well as I could have in those classes, I just did the minimum to get by. 

My school is pretty good actually because it's a private school that kids have to audition to get into and have to perform well to stay.  But it's gotten a little lax lately because the budget is in bad shape and they need all the students they can get in order to keep the program running.  I have great kids in general, but there is one class that has most of of the slackers in it, and of course having all the slackers in one place is a recipe for disaster. 

Teacher-student is a complicated relationship, sometimes it takes people years to really work it out - they are not your friends, you (any teacher) are not their friends, yet you still want the best for them. You are in a position of power over them, and if you forget that you're in big trouble. You are in one sense working together with them to do something that's good for them; in another sense you are just exerting control over their lives like any boss or parent.
Don't get me started on NCLB; that's work talk.
Except Dan, I totally and 100% agree with your and Hannaugh's last posts.  :icon_thumright:
wow there were alot of typing errors in my post, my old english teachers would not approve!
I consider myself lucky that I teach in Japan and not in America. The kids here are just that, kids. They treat the teachers with respect. At least they do in my school. I try to be as friendly as I can be with them but there are times when I gotta let loose on one of 'em so they know that I'm still their teacher. hehe!!
hannaugh said:
I totally agree with you about most public schools pushing stupid curriculums and wasting money on stuff.  If I had my way, critical thinking would be required all four years of high school, but we know the government and the corporations would never allow that because it's bad for their power and profits for people to see through BS easily.  Generally though I think the problem with school is that it takes learning, which is something that children naturally are interested in, and makes it boring and teaches kids how to do the bare minimum for a grade.  By the time they get to high school they're not interested in learning anymore. 

I really couldn't agree more. This directly describes my schooling experience.
Well, I'm a student. I respect the teachers at my school who have four qualities.

A firm objective. An effort to interest the students in the objective. An effort to interact with the students and know a bit about them. A cool attitude to smarmy, attention seeking kids.

I had an English teacher who had a very cool ability to use the linguistic skills that we were learning to put down the kids who weren't listening all year, which was effective because they had no Idea why they were getting laughed at or what the teacher was talking about. 

:dontknow: Not sure if that helps, but if I were a teacher, i'd try to achieve those things.
Bringe the hell to the class :evil4:

I totally think on being cool when students are being cool and be cruel when they start being "smart-asses"...

The amount of freedom and kindly that you give is proportional to how decent they are behaving.
If they're saying their standard are higher than that teacher, bring your standard on class higher too: 10 only to Rembrandt, 9 to Van Gogh and there you go! Average guy? 3...  Cell phone, iPod, etc? Big NO... "side talk"? NO!!!!

And let them know why they're in trouble, not necessarely saying all words, perhaps something like "you guys want things to be very "righteous" so now you're getting it"

I'm not the best guy to deal with people, but I've me technical school of mechanic and were 40 guys on the class and if you didn't put some pressure, things wouldn't work at all