
Oh lord, next time through I need to be born a millionaire


Master Member




Everybody knows what the original Bigsby guitar was, and it sort of had that ugly/cool thing working, but this thing... you don't even have to play it to know it sounds great. "Gretch" even made some copies of the real one in their Asian plant that they only sold in Europe, streeting around $2,500, but in that case "Gretch" and "Bigsby" are just marketing words owned by corporations. The builder, John Catto, kinda looks like he wasn't thinking about "price points" and "unit costs" when he used the original as inspiration (as opposed to marketing tool). He's a Big Cheese over on the Les Paul forums, where he has plans for sale and will probably build you a guitar. If you have lots of money.
reluctant-builder said:
A little overwrought for my tastes, but there truly is something for everyone ...

Mmm... Good word, "overwrought". I was going to say "ostentatious", but you hit closer to the mark.
Not to my tastes at all.

Personally, I would file it under "when bad things happen to good wood".
I saw the thread title, then the pics, and I expected the statement to be something along the lines of "so that I could pay people to not make things like this."
If that thing doesn't sound like an entire chorus of holy angels it's a complete and utter waste of hardwood. That is Butt Ugly!
At first I saw the beautiful wood and thought wow. Then I looked closer and decided that they spoiled it with all those pieces that look like they came from some shop class. It is uglier than the original. In art, less is more.
I love it.  I love all those old Bigsby guitars.

Speaking of bigsby, check out this thing:


Only ten grand.
"Thing" is right. That is one seriously ugly guitar. But, if they're willing to give me $10,000, I suppose I'd take it. I just won't take it out of its case.
It took me a bit to notice the ugly pickguard too.  That super pornstar headstock is screaming to get hit & broken.
I actually really like it.  :icon_biggrin: I've seen worse though, remember that gimp that painted binding on his neck in cheap gloss and then painted the fender logo on it and said it was a custom shop order?
I like it better than the original - it looks more "finished", which of course another 60 years of building guitars ought to add. I'm a sucker for all the real woodworking guitars - the Alembics and inlaid silver filigrees and such. Somehow, I'd rather have a few of those artworks than a Telecaster from every single year, or even (gasp!) 30 Les Pauls (don't snitch me out....) Or a guitar "worth" $200,000 because it's old, and the damn Japanese investors and asbestos-trial lawyers already bought all the $199,000 ones.: laughing3:

But if I had enough money to BUY stuff like that I wouldn't , because I'd have enough money to own a house and put in a woodshop, and I'd have that one old weird tree trunk I'd won off an old gypsy women in a poker game, and I'd be whittling on it every day.

