
Oh, Guitar Center, you tried so hard..

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AutoBat said:
That's where i go! There's a nice store in Indianapolis that's run buy a really nice guy in the Broadripple neighborhood. I only use GC as a last resort
I think I've got my neck down pretty well, but I'll probably take it to him for a more professional setup.

I have been to that store and it is great!!!!!!!
I've often thought of opening a music shop in my town, since we have nothing...but then I think of the people who would sit and play for 2 hrs, buy a pick, and leave...or the people who ignore the please ask for assistance signs and scratch a $1000 ESP...and I quickly snap back to reality...I just don't have the patience.  Hehe
knucklehead G said:
Maltozombie said:
Having my own shop has always been one of my long term goals, if i had the resources i would be on top of that, there's nothing of the sort except for the pawn shops around here, and a pawn shop just doesn't suffice for most musicians needs
I can't believe anyone around here hasn't done so already. but ugh, so is the state of my town, this place thrives on music, yet no one seems to realize that.   :doh:

Maybe they're all scared their shops will burn down. This is you, right?

Knucklehead..That photo is pure awesomeness. I wish it was me in it I would blow it up to poster size for my basement.
TJD said:
Knucklehead..That photo is pure awesomeness. I wish it was me in it I would blow it up to poster size for my basement.

Hey! that's me, not knucklehead....but thanks for the complimenting the photo, though my playing dosen't warrant being made into posters yet...  :laughing7: :guitaristgif:
*Walks into a guitar store and asks if he can try out an amp. Guy at the counter says "sure, just don't use an expensive guitar". I reach for a Mexi Strat. He jumps up and runs over. "I told you not to use the expensive guitar!". He hands me a Cort (terrible budget European brand). My life sucks. The freaking guitar couldn't keep tune.
I used to scoff at GC and go through Musicians Friend because they were always good to me, and didnt charge shipping but now they not only charge shipping on alot of orders but they also charge Washington State sales tax which they never didi before.....and if you live in Washington you know what a 9% sales tax feels like.....ouch!  ....by the time its all said and done......  I found Im better paying a little extra per part and getting it through Stew Mac or Effects pedals plus warehouse and other specialised companies, because they dont charge state tax and have Great customer service.... and the biggest plus of all is they get you your order in 7days or less......Yep gotta say Screw GC and MF they have deteriorated to just being warehouse discount sales stores and it shows.
Justinginn said:
*Walks into a guitar store and asks if he can try out an amp. Guy at the counter says "sure, just don't use an expensive guitar". I reach for a Mexi Strat. He jumps up and runs over. "I told you not to use the expensive guitar!". He hands me a Cort (terrible budget European brand). My life sucks. The freaking guitar couldn't keep tune.

i was at a guitar center and a similar thing happened to a customer, but when the clerk wasnt looking the dude pulled a JEM off the wall and went into the amp section and jammed for an hour before the clerk noticed  :laughing7:
Sales tax in Hungary is like 22%. Seriously, when you add up what the govt. charges each person, it's over 60% of income by the time they get to spend anything. 'Course all the tax revenue can barely cover interest on the national loan. Apparently the USSR used Hungary to take out all its loans back when it existed and when it dissolved, Hungary got stuck with all the USSR's debt. They also built a bunch of nuclear plants and promised to bury the waste in Siberia when it became a problem. 'Course now that they're gone, Hungary's gotta find something else to do with it. Oh the joys of Eastern Europe.
Superbeast520 said:
I used to scoff at GC and go through Musicians Friend because they were always good to me, and didnt charge shipping but now they not only charge shipping on alot of orders but they also charge Washington State sales tax which they never didi before.....and if you live in Washington you know what a 9% sales tax feels like.....ouch!  ....by the time its all said and done......  I found Im better paying a little extra per part and getting it through Stew Mac or Effects pedals plus warehouse and other specialised companies, because they dont charge state tax and have Great customer service.... and the biggest plus of all is they get you your order in 7days or less......Yep gotta say Screw GC and MF they have deteriorated to just being warehouse discount sales stores and it shows.
Not sure if you are aware of it or not, but GC and MF are one in the same...
Quote from: Superbeast520 on Today at 10:11:24 am
I used to scoff at GC and go through Musicians Friend because they were always good to me, and didnt charge shipping but now they not only charge shipping on alot of orders but they also charge Washington State sales tax which they never didi before.....and if you live in Washington you know what a 9% sales tax feels like.....ouch!  ....by the time its all said and done......  I found Im better paying a little extra per part and getting it through Stew Mac or Effects pedals plus warehouse and other specialised companies, because they dont charge state tax and have Great customer service.... and the biggest plus of all is they get you your order in 7days or less......Yep gotta say Screw GC and MF they have deteriorated to just being warehouse discount sales stores and it shows.
Not sure if you are aware of it or not, but GC and MF are one in the same...

BUT they have different deals at different times, so if you get both their newsletters, you can play both.  :hello2:
I've made GC price-match MF's website more than once. They always seem rather unhappy about it.
Oh they got caught in the price match thing.  Back about a year ago, they got caught letting customers "go online" to show them the price they had to match.  The catch was, they set up redirects through their servers, that inserted higher prices when viewed through the GC online networks.

MAJOR ADVICE - if you ever go to a store and show them "online" about a price, use your own phone or other communications device to display the page.  This has been a constant and ongoing problem, with the Feds digging into it as we speak.  Expect to hear about it on the news, maybe this year.  BIG investigation, but protect yourself up front.

GC, at least in these parts, is a sleazeball outfit, and I never "shop" there.  I go in knowing what I want and the price I want to pay, and am prepared to walk if I dont get it.

HINT - if you ever want Gibson, just go to Center City Music.  Call them up, get a price thats WELL BELOW the MAP price.  Think in terms of 45 percent off list and realistic shipping charges.  Actual discounts will vary by item, because of how they buy from Gibson (trying to take advantage of all promos and discounts).  Yes, silly them, they pass the promo pricing on to the customer even though they could put in their pockets.  Ask for Saul (owner) and you wont be... WONT be disappointed.
I actually get a discount at American Musical Supply's website through my job, but they don't have much I'd want. You can get a NOS Trace Elliot bass combo for $500 though, which isn't bad, but it doesn't require the discount.
Well, I just ordered a small, heavy glass slide (Dunlop 212) for my little finger, and a pack of five .016" strings and a pack of three .032" strings, and a pack of three .042" strings from Musician's Fiend. (I have been googoo-eared over Sonny Landreth lately and am back to my old slidey ways.) Heh Heh. I just needed to fill in some tiny gaps in my semi-ridiculously-large assortment of strings, so I could dummy up a few 12-16-22p-32-42-56 sets... So, they sent me my slide, my .016's and an invoice that also claimed they sent the .042's. Not a word about the .032's. But they sent me a nice leather guitar strap! Last time I ordered strings they sent me a mike boom... I'm tempted to just order a few picks a week and see if I end up with a Paul Reed Smith. But that would be wrong. :help:

As soon as someone says "The guy at Guitar Center said," I laugh and say "Those guys don't know what they're talking about.  They get paid to sell you crap you don't need, like the guys at Jiffy Lube."  That usually clarifies things.
aside from the giant company sh*tbag thing that GC does I actualy had two good experiences at my local GC. One I was checking out a Roland VG99 that had been tampered with by customers to the point hat it did not function properly. the SP downloded the manual and was able to re-set the unit for me. Second time I came in checking out basses and the SP was getting the ones way high up on the wall for me, got me a cable and did not bother me while I checked them out on an amp.

I do like the GC in plano texas here, only becaue the guy at the strings counter know's me by name, and is always helpful to me.. All I ever get is strings and picks, and the occasional stomp box tho. I've been getting strings there for a decade, and he's been the guy I talk to for the last 4 years. That being said, I still don't like anything else about the establishment.  :icon_thumright: