
Offset T-type


First, thanks to the many users of this forum (and that one about telecasters too) for contributing so much useful content. The technical content is great but the passion for adding DIY (even just a little) to peoples' musical instrument experience is inspiring.

I have owned a 1979 SG Standard since college and it plays well but I don't like all the sounds, and I have always liked the looks of Fenders the most among solid-body guitar makes. The JM is my favorite body shape, the T-type has the most appealing (simple) controls and sound pallet. So the Jazzcaster was an easy choice for a first build.

The neck (Strat headstock, quartersawn Indian Rosewood) arrived from Warmoth looking good. With the fretboard level (Stew Mac notched straightedge) it looks like frets are nearly perfect from the factory, despite leveling and crowning not being part of Warmoth's process. I believe there is just enough work to do for me to get a taste of spot-level and crown, without the job being very big or intimidating at all. Grover midsized Rotomatics installed with no problems.

Ordered the body yesterday after (like many users) hours of playing with the online configuration tool and photo editing software. Eventually decided to go away from mahogany (which I think is beautiful) and take the full Fender route of cheaper alder and nicer finish. Candy turquoise.

All that's left is to choose pickups. The body is routed P90 neck P90 middle for the most options down the road. P90 or Gibson mini humbucker or Seymour Duncan Pearly Gates humbucker tucked into a P90 cover. Ordered two pick guards, one with the neck slot open and one with the middle slot open, to try each position.

So, in 8-10 weeks look for an update to this post (ha!)


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I like all those pickup combinations you have there in your mockup. They all look cool. I don't envy you having to decide.

I actually did something similar: I ordered two sets of pickguards with different pickup routings. I'll let the sound I like the most decide which one I'll be using.

My advice (which even I don't listen to) is to use the mid mount P90, but maybe explore a different tortoise or maybe pearloid pickguard.  You might check some of the pickguard makers for different material.  I know Quickguards has some cool looking sparkly stuff that kinda looks like a Hubble space telescope picture of the stars.  Just sayin'.
+1 on the White Pearl pickguard, looks great with a blue body. And that is one gorgeous neck.

PS: Love your user name, I work with a guy we call Tinfoil Hat!