Nut Slotting File Sizes?


OK, I did search, really!

I'm working on a Tusq nut for a Stratenstien (Bitocaster, Ebaycaster) project, and even Mr. Erlewine seems a bit vague about what size nut slotting files I should use.  I'm typically using  Fender 3150Ls (.009-.046) with a Am Deluxe Trem and locking tuners.

These are the files that I have:


Plus a .010 micro-saw

Does this seem adequate for slotting the nut?
Sure, that's more than adequate. You can always wrap varying thicknesses of wet/dry sandpaper over the thinner files to get the width up. A set of cheap vernier calipers helps, as you can size the actual string widths, add a few thousandths and size your nut slot directly. (You don't want to accidentally sand the inside of the jaws of your good calipers). I collect weird little files, locksmiths and gunsmiths have 'em... These are handy: - one file - four strings.
A thin file that only cuts on the flats is useful for widening slots without making them deeper too.
I think I'm using...

For string gauges .010, .013, .017, .026, .036, .046

.013 E
.020 B
.020 G
.028 D
.040 A
.050 E

I repsect Frank Ford, and he would have you think its super critical, but I've found, a little loose is ok - AS LONG AS - you have a nice round bottom slot, not V bottom (the worst of the worst!) and not square bottom.  IOW, you need the right files, made correctly with round edges.  The Stew-Mac double edged files are ok in the larger sizes, a bit V shaped in smaller sizes.  The single size files are made ok though, and I've come to prefer them.

You can make files by super glueing guitar strings to the edge of ice cream sticks.
It's not as fast as a file, but you get a nice round bottom in the slots
Crappy said:
You can make files by super glueing guitar strings to the edge of ice cream sticks.
It's not as fast as a file, but you get a nice round bottom in the slots

Wow, never thought of that! AWESOME idea, man!  :hello2: