
No truss rod in flame maple Strat neck?


I recently bought a H/S/S Strat with a flame maple Warmoth neck (RW fingerboard).
Now, after unscrewing the neck I discovered no truss rod at the bottom.
However at the nut, there is a quite small hole for a truss rod. The thing is there seems to be no truss rod mounted?
Maybe, there is a slight chance there is one, but buried very deep in the neck.

Anyone had the same experience?
Have Warmoth ever sold necks without truss rods?
Hi and Welcome to the forum.

Warmoth has not sold necks without truss rods.

Does the neck have a skunk stripe at the back? I assume it is a vintage modern construction.


The hole at the head should accept a 4mm allen (hex) key which would be used to adjust the truss rod.
If'n there's no truss rod, I suggest you contact the Nigerian Princess who sold you the neck and get yo' money back.

Or ... you didn't know you needed the tools that Strat man suggests.  Good luck!


Yep, it has a skunk stripe.

I will try out with a 4mm hex.

Thanks again for lightning quick response,


Hi and Welcome to the forum.

Warmoth has not sold necks without truss rods.

Does the neck have a skunk stripe at the back? I assume it is a vintage modern construction.


The hole at the head should accept a 4mm allen (hex) key which would be used to adjust the truss rod.
If it has a skunk stripe and is a genuine Warmoth, the adjustment would be one of the following:

1. At the headstock, requiring a 5/32" allen key (Vintage-Modern construction)
2. At the end of the heel with a double slotted nut for a phillips head screwdriver (Vintage construction)
Thanks for the advice, really appreciated.

Is it common on Warmoth necks with very deep mounted rods?
I cannot see it, even when I look down from above, the guitar placed towards the floor.
Like the "opposite" of a Fender Bullet truss system if you like.
I will of course try with an allen key though.
They are not bullet truss rods, and not immediately visible. Perhaps they are about 1/2" / 12mm in from the outside, I have not measured it.

If I look at such a neck from immediately above wearing an Optivisor with bright light I can see it.
Dude, have you even tried the Allen wrench?  The nut is recessed.  You are not going to see it unaided.  Stick the 4mm (as I recall) wrench in there and I bet you find it engages. The neck came with the wrench.
The job is done.

During my 35 yrs of playing I´ve never before seen a truss rod so deeply mounted in a neck.
The actual turning took quite some strength since the rod was very tight.
Now, the guitar is stellar.

Again, many thanks for the advice.
Twangthang said:
The job is done.

During my 35 yrs of playing I´ve never before seen a truss rod so deeply mounted in a neck.
The actual turning took quite some strength since the rod was very tight.
Now, the guitar is stellar.

Again, many thanks for the advice.

If you needed to move it more than 1/4 turn, it will likely be out the other way in a day or two?

I'd consider backing off just a bit, and do it in steps.