
no signal after volume is half way down


I just wired up a new guitar and I've never had this happen before.  The volume only works from 5-10.  Below that, I get nothing.  It's a strat style with CTS 250K pots and alumitone pickups.  Is the pot perhaps bad?  Any suggestions on what to check?
grimm26 said:
I just wired up a new guitar and I've never had this happen before.  The volume only works from 5-10.  Below that, I get nothing.  It's a strat style with CTS 250K pots and alumitone pickups.  Is the pot perhaps bad?  Any suggestions on what to check?

If you have a spare pot, try that first, I reckon.  It's a cheap part.
The tones are linear and the volume is log, but I suppose I might have swapped one.  Even so, I've had guitars with linear volume controls and they never act like that.  If anything, the volume would appear to stay loud longer along the travel of the pot with a linear.
Solid said:
Is it possible you have a linear pot?

If the taper is linear, you would have to roll it down further than usual to get a given volume cut, which is the opposite problem.

Threshold is set too high on the noise gate. Or, it's a bad pot. Pots are nowhere near as robust as they used to be. Soldering to the case is an excellent way to wreck 'em.