
Nicks and gouges/sealing


Hero Member
Here is a quick question. When you guys are getting ready to prep your guitars for finishing what do you use for the large nicks and gouges that don't come out with steaming? I know that you have to be careful with things that shrink/expand, and was wondering what products people have had success with. My first thought is the timbermate putty that stewmac sells.

Another quick question, do you guys fill before or after sealer?

And one last one, I believe I have heard that shellac is a good nitro compatable sealer. Is this true? I just dont want to go spraying it on and having problems down the line.
I can't help you out with the nicks/gouges. Best thing to do is not nick/gouge your body. Any filler I've ever used to solve that sort of thing has done nothing but piss me off.  If the label says it won't shrink, it shrinks. Won't crack? Bullshit. It cracks. Won't fall out? Right. Check's in the mail. So, good luck there.

Fill after sealer.

Shellac is a good interface material. It allows for a multitude of sins as far as finish compatibility is concerned. You can put lacquer over poly, or vice-versa if you sandwich some of that in there.
It depends on what kind of finish you are looking for also.  If I'm painting a solid color I fill the gouges in the wood directly before sealer using automotive body filler (Glaze though, not regular body filler).  Regular body filler swells but glaze does not.  Learned that the hard way after painting a guitar and a week later theres a whole bunch of strange little volcanos showing up.  Glaze can be applied directly on top of wood gouges.  You will never go back.