NGD non Warmoth

PS: what won me over was a tone through a largely clean amp with some chorus and verb. Middle pup position. Tap the neck, put it out of phase, and hit the blower (bypass) switch. Even the owner of the store came over to see what was making that tone (in a good way). Closest I can say it was like a Brian May and a Gretsch cross-breeded (which I both own) and took serious steroids.

He then took the other Supreme he had in stock and set it up the same way. He was demoing it for another customer as I was leaving.

A really good tone, definitely not traditional, but I have other LPs for that.

It can be traditional thought as needed. I liked the blower switch (it’s a push pull on a tone pot). Very minimal volume change, but a noticeable gain change. Very usable.
There was a time when you could get the older supremes for $3k used. I wish I would have gotten a black one and a few bursts then!
They had a black translucent there. I preferred the wine red due to weight largely, its playability and tone were quite close to the black one. The black one was weighing 9-9.5 lbs.

Ohh I got it for a touch over 3 new
They had a black translucent there. I preferred the wine red due to weight largely, its playability and tone were quite close to the black one. The black one was weighing 9-9.5 lbs.

Ohh I got it for a touch over 3 new
Oh nice! I thought they were closer to 5 now!
That’s sort of the arrangement. This was the 1st gu I met when I moved here 2+ years ago. A touch over a year ago, he needed business help but noted I can’t afford you. I simply pointed at the walls and noted I help you, you help me. It’s worked great. I helped him get NAMM dealer of the year this year.
That's a snazzy axe, if a touch on the heavy side for this ol' dude and his bad back. Happy for your acquisition!
That's a snazzy axe, if a touch on the heavy side for this ol' dude and his bad back. Happy for your acquisition!
How may lbs do you target? This is 7.5

I ask as I too have a bad back. Had 4 herniated disc operated on back in 2019 as my daily pain level was 8.5-9. I consider passing kidney stones as a 10 as a reference (and yes I have).
I don't have a specific target, but I generally favor lighter axes. And Les Pauls generally I find uncomfortable to play, even leaving aside the super heavy ones.