
NFL Labor Opinions


Hero Member
I know a fair chunk of us on here are NFL football fans (or, as one person put it on here, professional hand-egg). What are your views/opinions/comments in regards to the labor situation going on?
It would be hilarious if they had to call off the next season, as my town is supposed to host the super bowl.
My opinion is that they're idiots if they don't get it sorted out.

If the owners can't make money in that business, it has more to do with their being incompetent businessmen than it does any labor agreement.
I've paid it very little attention.  It has to be resolved somehow, and I can imagine either side folding first because there's too much money to be lost by both sides.

Being in a labor Union whose negotions are miniscule compared to this; hourly wage, annuity, amount of and who pays for health insurance; it's hard to feel sympathy for either side of bickering millionaires' fingerpointing.  I do however think the pension, and the players whose bodies and minds were ruined for the sport, deserve a little more compensation and consideration.
The players could always go play overseas..

Oh wait.................
they make more money that you will in a lifetime and want you to pay more for tickets so they can get more. No wonder I stopped watching football 20 years ago
Jusatele said:
they make more money that you will in a lifetime and want you to pay more for tickets so they can get more.

That's pro sports for ya. Such a joke. A big, sad joke. I'll stop now.  :laughing7:
Wah! Someone better get to the table before people figure out that professional football is as big a joke as professional basketball. NOBODY I know cares a whit about the NBA - college ball all the way and that's all that matters. If they don't get this patched up soon, BOTH sides run the risk of losing a grip on a ridiculous cash cow.
OzziePete said:
The players could always go play overseas..

Oh wait.................

Could. As far as I know the European Football League is still playing. Depending on how bad the situation is when the season rolls around you may very well see players in the Arena Football League, overseas, or forming their own small league to try to draw crowds. The last one is a bit of a stretch, but that's exactly what players tried to do during the last lockout.

swarfrat said:
Wah! Someone better get to the table before people figure out that professional football is as big a joke as professional basketball. NOBODY I know cares a whit about the NBA - college ball all the way and that's all that matters. If they don't get this patched up soon, BOTH sides run the risk of losing a grip on a ridiculous cash cow.

Unfortunately college basketball is the joke. Professional basketball? Seriously talented players playing hard every night. College basketball? Greedy kids who are going to one-and-done to get into the NBA and a bunch of kids with no more ability to play basketball than my grandmother. I'd probably be interested in college basketball, but the number of big name players who up and leave every year after just one year makes watching really uninteresting. Unlike college football where you can watch your team and players develop, in basketball it's not "How good was your recruiting over the last 3 years?" It's "How good was your recruiting last year?"

When the NBA has it's lockout next year (crossing fingers they really don't) chances are we'll be seeing more similar rules to the NFL, forcing players to stay in school to actually get somewhat of an education, or at least forcing them to be more serious about their careers in basketball. Plenty of the NBA's best players now came out of school after only a year, and many All Stars right now came straight out of high school, but college basketball would be much improved if the teams were actually a team for longer than a year.

Anyway, I'm all for the players of the NFL actually getting some support from the billion dollar industry the NFL is. Makes no sense to have a behemoth making that much money say that they CAN'T help retired players out. Especially with the bodily risks they take every game. The average career in the NFL is about 2 years. The idea that they're all multi-millionaires who could pay for their own medical bills for the rest of their lives off of one pay check isn't really accurate.
Nice rant, but I wish to point out a few facts
first the reason the average career of a NFL player is only 2 years is that so many of them never make it to the second year. The cut rate is huge. and if you wash out before you "Make the Team" then you are not suppose to be taken care of for the rest of your life. Retirement is nice but at what rate? Tell me now,what is your rate?
If you make the team, your salary grows by leaps and bounds, yes I know superstars make a lot more than the average center. But you chose this career.
Yes the NFL is a multi billion dollar industry, but at whose expense? it is truly not the expense of the player, it is at the expense of the fan, Every time you go to a game, every time you buy a sponsored product, every time you watch a commercial on TV game,you are buying into the NFL and it's control over your dollar.
As an example,Miller high life and miller MGD are the exact same product, except for the filtering method (cold or homogenized), infact it cost more to filter High Life, but go into the store and you pay twice as much for MGD, Why? Because of advertising expense of corporate giants like the NFL charging 3million dollars for 60 seconds of the Super Bowl.
A professional athlete has chosen his career, he has his union first then after that his private rights to negotiation, But somehow a guy making over a million a year for the next 5 years going on strike makes me feel toward him such as I do a turd.
My retirement (fully funded) will be fixed. I work hard at it and will work into my 60s to get it, why should I be forced to support a person who is making more a year than I make in ten for the rest of his life just to watch a ball game? The NFL will only tack the expense onto what they charge and we all will be force to pay it.
And as far as the NBA, when a professional player who works out every day was allowed to beat the crap out of a fan who threw a beer on him and was not thrown out of the league, I drew the line and quit watching it.
Fans pay for his salary and he was allowed to beat up a out of shape person and his discipline was minor because, well he is a superstar and if we lose him we may not make the playoffs.
with out fans paying for tickets, or buying advertisers product, those guys could not make the money they do. To allow them to wail on a fan is criminal, the NBA should fold.
I know the cut rate is huge, but I'm not saying the NFL needs health insurance for kids who can't make it in the league. I'm talking about the ones who have their careers ended, or at least seriously jeopardized. The ones who just plain don't make it can move on, but the ones who end up unable to lift more than their own walker out of the car for the rest of their lives need a little back up. Everybody's argument against it is "They're rich enough." But it's not Peyton Manning's retirement fund we're all talking about, it's the back up offensive tackle nobody notices who gets taken out of the game during a time out, then can never work another normal job during his life because of an injury. Sure, everybody who picks football is taking a health risk and knows it, but other dangerous jobs have adequate insurance. Why not a sport?

And I know the salaries are payed by the fan, but the fact of the matter is that we as a nation love it. Nobody's ever had a gun held to their head and told they were going to buy football tickets - or else. People who go love standing around in 30 degree weather and love the atmosphere, even at the ridiculous food and ticket prices. People like me will gladly sit home and be upset about hot much the pizza costs that I'm ordering in. And yeah, ads play into it too. But they don't really bother me. If companies are willing to pay the broadcasting stations who are willing to pay the NFL who is willing to pay the teams then I'm all for it. They're all making way too much money off of it, but none of it comes directly out of my pocket unless I want it to (jerseys, replica helmets, or game tickets).

PS: Ron Artest is an idiot. There's no denying that. But he wasn't the one who threw the beer. Should have had better self restraint, but it's Ron Artest, no surprises that he actually has no self restraint at all.
ANYWAY, there's definitely enough money to go around! Hopefully they figure out all this before the season starts, but it's not looking that way.
oh I understand what you are saying, I just drew the line and decided not to be a fan. I think that I would feel a lot better if it were more in the interest of the fan and not the corporation. I can watch a high school football game and see kids playing because they love it. Or watch NFL and see guys who hold back because they may injure a pinky.
I at one time was a huge sports fan, I just had enough of the fan abuse, and the amount of money it cost to see a game is part of that.
Funny, I would go see the angels play once a week, year after year and then one year they made the after season with serious world series aspirations, do you think that those of us who supported them for years when they could not get near the playoffs would get preferential treatment at the ticket office, nope, prices skyrocketed and it was all about big money,
Screw them, when they lost all the time I went to see them,now that I want to see them in the world series, they could care less about my years of support, sold my seats from under me.