Nice rant, but I wish to point out a few facts
first the reason the average career of a NFL player is only 2 years is that so many of them never make it to the second year. The cut rate is huge. and if you wash out before you "Make the Team" then you are not suppose to be taken care of for the rest of your life. Retirement is nice but at what rate? Tell me now,what is your rate?
If you make the team, your salary grows by leaps and bounds, yes I know superstars make a lot more than the average center. But you chose this career.
Yes the NFL is a multi billion dollar industry, but at whose expense? it is truly not the expense of the player, it is at the expense of the fan, Every time you go to a game, every time you buy a sponsored product, every time you watch a commercial on TV game,you are buying into the NFL and it's control over your dollar.
As an example,Miller high life and miller MGD are the exact same product, except for the filtering method (cold or homogenized), infact it cost more to filter High Life, but go into the store and you pay twice as much for MGD, Why? Because of advertising expense of corporate giants like the NFL charging 3million dollars for 60 seconds of the Super Bowl.
A professional athlete has chosen his career, he has his union first then after that his private rights to negotiation, But somehow a guy making over a million a year for the next 5 years going on strike makes me feel toward him such as I do a turd.
My retirement (fully funded) will be fixed. I work hard at it and will work into my 60s to get it, why should I be forced to support a person who is making more a year than I make in ten for the rest of his life just to watch a ball game? The NFL will only tack the expense onto what they charge and we all will be force to pay it.
And as far as the NBA, when a professional player who works out every day was allowed to beat the crap out of a fan who threw a beer on him and was not thrown out of the league, I drew the line and quit watching it.
Fans pay for his salary and he was allowed to beat up a out of shape person and his discipline was minor because, well he is a superstar and if we lose him we may not make the playoffs.
with out fans paying for tickets, or buying advertisers product, those guys could not make the money they do. To allow them to wail on a fan is criminal, the NBA should fold.