
New Warmoth necks - Frets not seated properly?

I have had one neck issue, and it wasn't a contruction or fret issue.  I'm all for not hiding warts and boils about our Warmoths, but I feel the first course of action is to contact Warmoth and not post on a forum.  I have been more than pleased with every Warmoth purchase thus far, and the neck warrany issue I'm going through at the moment is being handled with the utmost professionalism.  These people stand behind their product, have a clear warranty/return policy, and want to make everything right, and are IMO.  But batting 2 for 2 is just a freak thing.  When it rains it pours.
Watershed said:
Makes me think of a saying:
"Sometimes a piece of wood doesn't want to be a guitar, it just wants to be a doorstop."

Something along those lines.  Electricity doesn't want to be electricity so bad it moves at the speed of light to get to ground.  It can't go any faster.  We just happened to put a light bulb in it's path.
Yea, Max, I tried 4 shops to get that neck working. And, I didn't contact W about it, as it was well over a year after purchase, and swapping necks around on different bodies that I determined it was the neck. It may have been an easy fix, but i could not afford to spend another penny taking it to yet another shop only to have it returned buzzing again. So, to the dumpster it went.
Watershed said:
Makes me think of a saying:
"Sometimes a piece of wood doesn't want to be a guitar, it just wants to be a doorstop."

I have a mighty mite neck that I use as a back scratcher.... true story
Kublai said:
Yea, Max, I tried 4 shops to get that neck working. And, I didn't contact W about it, as it was well over a year after purchase, and swapping necks around on different bodies that I determined it was the neck. It may have been an easy fix, but i could not afford to spend another penny taking it to yet another shop only to have it returned buzzing again. So, to the dumpster it went.

If you are ever in that situation again, send the neck to me.  I'll pay shipping.  I'm not kidding here.
Rick said:
This has got to be troll.  No sane person would not send it back.
Actually, I am also one that is inclined to just fix a problem myself because I hate waiting around. The benefit to that is you learn a lot. Besides, it's an excuse to buy more tools!  :headbang:
