
New tune - Nightlights


Junior Member
New Tune Day!

The original concept I had in my head was a kid going to sleep and having his dreams turn into nightmares.

Started out sounding trying to do a Policeish thing with a lot of sus2 and 4 chords, but tried to go with two guitars rather than keep things to a bass/drums/guitar trio.  And then immediately got stuck, so abandoned it for a couple months.  Came back to it and had a couple riffs pop into place . . . but it ended up a bit further from the Police than was in the original plan.

Locked myself in the basement and spent some time to write/program/record stuff today.  Yeah, I know there are some wonky timing issues, and the first solo doesn't quite work for me . . . but I'm throwing in the towel.  I don't even know what genre I'm doing any more.  :P  (Also, it's a damned wonder my family hasn't killed me yet . . . had the amp up well past acceptable lock-down volumes - and my six year old son was humming the distorted riff all through supper today.)

It's about as heavy as I've made a 335 and strat through a fender style amp sound: