The body arrived last week, and I put it together today. Pics below. Electronics still left to do. It'll have two Seymour Duncan '59 humbuckers with single vol single tone, plus 3 way and two on/on/on switches to modify the humbuckers. I have to drill the holes for the switches.
I sent the neck to Cagey for burnishing, fret dressing, and nut and tuning machines installation. I cannot speak highly enough about the work he did. The difference is amazing. The neck looks and feels perfect, and it was worth every penny. The frets are spot on. Highly recommended.
Installing the ferrules was fun but tricky. I cleaned the extra finish out of the holes by hand with nice sharp drill bits, and then used a drill press to push the little buggers in. It was a snap once the holes were well prepared.
The guitar plays nice as any off the rack guitar I've picked up. It has a really rich acoustic sound to it and lots of natural sustain. The chambered Korina body/top and the goncalo alves neck (w/ pau ferro fingerboard) seem to really like each other.
It'll be a few weeks while I sort out the wiring schematic. I'll be sure to post updated photos when that's done.
I need to do a little intonation work after a day or two of settling. Other than that, everything seems very nice. And the intonation work seems minimal; just the B and high E string seem to need some minor adjustment.