Yeah... sorta... in a way...
Gotta be kinda dead, though, with all those laminations.
Reminds me of some monitors I was building years ago.
Me and a buddy had access to a lot of free 3/4" die board, which was made of 9 layer void-free maple. Stuff was heavier than dammit, and super hard/stiff. Company that used the stuff always had mountains of scrap/remnants that they were paying to get rid of. We offered to relieve them of it for nothing. Stuff costs about a million dollars a 4x8 sheet, and there was often a half-sheet or better of useful (to us) material left.
Yeah, they weren't very efficient.
Made great speaker cabinets, though. Being super-hard and laminated cross-grain, it was as dead as Lindsey Lohan's career path. Build a monitor cabinet out of it and put an EVM 12L in it, and you had a unit that sounded great and could not be killed. Local bands loved them. Heavy little rascals, though.