
New Guitar Day! Non-Warmoth Content


Hero Member
A lot of you might remember my $600+/- beater guitar thread. Well. I tried. I went to a few different music stores with good intentions. Looked at the guitars in my price range. But as I somehow almost always do, I ended up playing the guitars I wanted instead of the guitars I could afford.

Anyway an employee got an Explorer Pro for me to try. Loved the feel of the thing. Thought, "Man, this guitar feels amazing." Asked to try a PRS CE24 I had seen a couple weeks before. It blew the Explorer Pro out of the water (and was a few hundred less).

Stays in tune like nothing I've owned before, lightweight, is extremely versatile with a 5 way rotary switch. The previous owner didn't seem too concerned with keeping it pristine, so neither am I!

Pictures! 2000 PRS CE24




Also, it REALLY didn't hurt that this was my dream guitar when I was just starting out playing. Never got a chance to try one out then but I wouldn't have appreciated it if I had anyway!
I'm not a cherry burst fan, but that is great looking guitar.

Man I want to join the PRS club so bad! I will probably break my long stint of non-factory guitars and have to pick one up!
rapfohl09 said:
I'm not a cherry burst fan, but that is great looking guitar.

Man I want to join the PRS club so bad! I will probably break my long stint of non-factory guitars and have to pick one up!

I already had my telecaster in tequila sunrise burst so I wasn't sure about another similar color. I love the look though!

And I know what you mean. I love my Warmoths but this things plays like a million bucks! Really glad I made this purchase. I was  terrified of taking my Warmoths anywhere. This thing is already pretty beat up (more than the pictures show) so I'm not too worried account a scrape or ding.
I've never really cared for PRS, but I was in GC killing time one day and played one of the Korean SE Customs, and I was really surprised at how well it played and felt.

But it needs a Floyd, instead of that hideous thing that was mounted on it... :icon_scratch: