
New/Custom Control Route on Iceman?


Hero Member
With so many lovely Mods offered for an upcharge. its slightly unusual that this one currently isn't.

I would imagine the incredibly low volume of sales on iceman body is part of it... but as this is just a suggestion, and not a demand...

Warmoths Iceman bodies have Strat Control routes. they in no way flow with the shape of the body. and they're enormous.

On a guitar where everything else clearly the reflects the Craftsmanship and quality of Components. this is the only thing that bums me out.

the only thing that says "THIS ISN'T A REAL ICEMAN"

A Control route akin to the Star or Explorer would be amazing,

but with all the custom options offered. Why not this one?
You have to call/email and custom order. For example, I got LP control routing on a Telecaster body for a $45 upcharge.
Yeah, I Emailed Spike... (kinda did it twice!)

asking if there was ANY way to get the Star Route done for an upcharge.

he reminded me that the iceman has a Strat rear Route LITERALLY, and said that other routes are not a custom option.

its a big bummer. because it sticks out like a sore thumb!

And I don't even need the holes drilled, just the route.
Looking at the body, since you get the 3 way toggle route on the upper bout, you could just have Warmoth NOT drill any vol/tone holes and have enough room to do them yourself any way you wanted....
i think the blade switch should be an option on all bodies. might have just been the person that i talked to, but i was told the explorer body couldn't be routed for a blade switch. at least by warmoth, obviously i could do it myself.
I agree the blade should be available on everything.

but I must not have been clear, the Control Holes dont worry me. and I wont be doing an upper toggle because I plan to have a tummy cut.

its this...


it  is enormous, when all I will need space for is at most 2 knobs and a switch.

Add to that it does not match the lines of the guitar at all.

I'm not saying it will make me not buy the guitar... but its something I really wish I could change.
yeah, warmoth's control plates are really all the same. i guess it's really just convenience for warmoth to have all the control plates on hand. doesn't bother me, but i can see it bothering some people. if it's on the back i'm not too concerned :icon_biggrin:
But like I said, the Star and Explorer have body appropriate Rear Routes. (Not sure of the other bodies...)

I already know a large quantity of reasons WHY Warmoth would use the same Route on many different bodies.

time and cost being a key point, got it. got it before I started the thread. don't need to learn it again.

but the option to change THIS particular Route, to a Route that already exists on a body with identical thickness.

for an EXTRA  fee.

I don't understand why in a sea of options. this ONE is left out.