Everything that VA has said is true:
The systems are freaking fantastic.
The systems are freaking expensive.
The systems are not perfect - but the limitations you can work around.
The boys at Bose (especially those at the forum) are annoying as hell. I stopped posting there because frankly they are quite closed minded to criticism.
The boys at Bose tech support are great. Even though I got the systems used, they've replaced stuff under warranty. Top marks there.
Regarding what we paid for these - we picked them up used on eBay so we got them for a fraction of what VA quotes. Well, actually we got bits and pieces over time. Currently we have two towers: a single bass system, and the quad bass system pictured. I managed to pay for everything by selling the old PA and a bunch of guitar amps. Considering that it replaces the sound man as well, it runs about even in cost.
Regarding how loud they go, with our two towers it's easily enough for loud rock and roll in a small (200 people) venue. BTW, the system pictured has 1000 Watts.
I got into these for three reasons:
1 - it's my ears (and these systems are easy on the ears)
2 - it's my back (and these systems are easy on the back)
3 - we are mostly a vocal band - and we always struggle to hear the vocals. Actually, it took a good deal of maturity for the band members to say the vocals are more important and we should give up the amps to help the vocals. But we did - and it's been great.
One last thing - if you are going to get serious about these puppies, spend money on good microphones. You'll have hell on wheels feedback unless you do.
Oh - and be prepared for varying reactions when you use them - there are a lot of Bose haters out there (and not without reason)