
Neon strings?

exaN said:
Wow I actually like those! I'm surprised I've never seen Steve Vai using those yet.

Well, I really can't picture Steve playing these strings now, but perhaps some of the older stuff he did would be suiting.

On the Live At The Astoria DVD, he went into Bad Horsie with the crazy lasers on his hand and funky headgear and such with flashing lights.
Mojo had blue LED lights, and neon blue strings would have been fitting for that part of the show.

Also, perhaps on the Alien Love Secrets video.
I've developed a fondness for DR Black Beauties as of late myself - the neon is definetly cool, but not something
I'd actually buy.
I love DR coated strings. They aren't coated like the nanocrap.  I hate the way the color peels off so easily though. Of course most people don't shred nearly as hard as I do. :guitarplayer2: Now I use the silver stars :party07:
I think this is the first time I've ever been sexually attracted to guitar strings...

I mean... there was a Quick crush that I had on Ernie Ball Heavy Gauge, but after actually using those... that was over...



Why doesn't warmoth use NEON PAINT.
I think glow in the dark guitars would be kind of cool actually.  That's the only time I would use those strings.
this band REALLY needs to know about them.

Hah I just got a set of the green put on my bass - It looks like the 80's threw up all over my Gecko, they're perfect haha.

I do certainly think they sound better than the previous run they had with colored strings, so that's something I'm happy about.  I'll try and take photos or something tomorrow... need to dig out a black light.

Edited with photos:



I've put a full band practice into them and they did fine, sounded nice and defined, a little brighter than my last strings... which I like.  The only thing it'll take me a lil bit to get used to is the plasticy feel that you get with a coated string... but honestly once I get into my groove it wasn't very distracting at all.
glow in the dark strings sound badass. i think i might put invisible uv pain on mine as a stage production manoeuvre.  :party07:
yeah same for me, its some stupid thing trying to sell me the latest and greatest in home computer protection... yeah right, like i really want to let some program install itself and give me jip. i told it to bolt and the site loaded!