
Need some pointers


Hero Member
Hey guys.  Being that you guys are the most helpful people on the internet, I figured I'd pose these few questions with you.

As a back story, I have built a Noisy Cricket amp with the plans from Beavis Audio Research.  I built it to the "bass amp" specs, replacing C2 (47nf cap) with a 1uf can.  I think I got lucky on the polarity...

Anywho, I want to build a couple more, but slightly modified.  Here's what I want to do:

1.  I want to add an LED to the "grit" switch.  Seems easy, I know, and all I need to do it is a DPST toggle switch, but do you think I can find one?  Can I accomplish this with a DPDT?  If so, how?

2.  I want to make the bass mods switchable.  For instance, using an ON-ON-ON switch, the up position could be the regular guitar version, middle position could be "mo' betta bass" (100nf for C2), and down could be the full bass amp mod.  Drawing it out, I'm thinking I need an SP3T switch...  Do these even exist?  I think I can do it with a DPDT (on-on-on version), but I can't visualize it in schematic form.  Thoughts?

3.  I wouldn't mind adding a simple switchable effect to it, like a one knob bazz fuss.  Is this even possible?  Or is this a little too much to chew for a beginner like me?

Anyway, I'd love to hear what you guys think, especially if you could offer a schmo like me some tips on how to wire all that.  I'd greatly appreciate it.

I've already posed these questions over on the diystompboxes forum, but I'm ignored there...

Anyway (again), thanks guys!
Xplorervoodoo said:
1.  I want to add an LED to the "grit" switch.  Seems easy, I know, and all I need to do it is a DPST toggle switch, but do you think I can find one?  Can I accomplish this with a DPDT?  If so, how?

Mouser.com. If they don't have it, it doesn't exist.

You can easily do this with a DPDT. Just think about it in terms of signal flow, not parts. Going off of this schematic here: http://www.electrosmash.com/noisy-cricket-analysis

All you'll have to do is hook one of the sides of the switch up to C4, and the center lug up to the connection between pin 7 and C3. Basic diode clipping.

Xplorervoodoo said:
2.  I want to make the bass mods switchable.  For instance, using an ON-ON-ON switch, the up position could be the regular guitar version, middle position could be "mo' betta bass" (100nf for C2), and down could be the full bass amp mod.  Drawing it out, I'm thinking I need an SP3T switch...  Do these even exist?  I think I can do it with a DPDT (on-on-on version), but I can't visualize it in schematic form.  Thoughts?

The only ON-ON-ON switches I've seen are sliding switches, which work just fine but can be a pain to house.

My advice? Use a rotary switch and be done with it. It's the simplest solution.

Xplorervoodoo said:
3.  I wouldn't mind adding a simple switchable effect to it, like a one knob bazz fuss.  Is this even possible?  Or is this a little too much to chew for a beginner like me?

MEGA EASY! What makes this one easy is the way the bazz fuss produces its fuzz.

Going off of this guy: http://www.home-wrecker.com/bazz1.png

See that 1N914 diode? You could easily hack that into the front end of the Noisy Cricket. Without that the bazz fuss is a basic boost. WITH that it's a godawful sounding meat grinder. I love 'em. :D

Xplorervoodoo said:
I've already posed these questions over on the diystompboxes forum, but I'm ignored there...

Yeah, that'll happen. A LOT. Unless you happen to have designed the latest "BEST DISTORTION EVARS!" nobody gives a shite about your questions. Anything even remotely resembling n00b questions are right out the window. I stopped going there a while back for this reason. I'm over here trying to learn and assholes act like I should take an EE class to make my guitar sound like a wet fart. No, cotton-headed ninny, just explain why this circuit that I have carefully laid out in a GORGEOUS schematic is overheating. Thank you.

Bitter? Naaaaah. Me? Never.

thearmofbarlow said:
The only ON-ON-ON switches I've seen are sliding switches.
Ummmm ... http://www.seymourduncan.com/blog/the-tone-garage/guitar-wiring-explored-switches-part-3/

You may need to tone down your language as well. (seen others get banned)
We have ladies and some young kids around here. Not that they haven't heard it before.
Just a tip .....  :icon_thumright:
Thanks for your kind replies, guys.

thearmofbarlow:  I'll check mouser.  I usually go with Jameco or pedalpartsplus.  They seem to have the best prices, and they ship to Canada!  lol  But yeah, it would definitely be easiest with a DPST for that LED.  Kinda annoying to have to go through all that just to add a friggin' LED lol.

Also, rotary switches make my head hurt...  I have a hard enough time with regular switches most of the time :P

Not sure what you mean about 'hacking the diode to the front end of the noisy cricket'...  I have built a bazz fuss before, but I'm a bit dense on the terminology.  I take it that it wouldn't be as simple as connecting the bazz fuss output to the output on the noisy cricket, and ditto for the inputs?

Updown:  Thanks for the link.  I figured that an on-on-on DPDT would do the job, cause I knew they used 'em as selector switches in guitars.  I just didn't know exactly how to go about wiring it, but that link seems pretty straightforward.  Hopefully it's as easy as substituting each pickup lead with each cap to get the switchable mod I'm looking for :)
Xplorervoodoo said:
I'm thinking I need an SP3T switch...  Do these even exist?

What you are used to calling a DPDT On-On-On is actually SP3T, and goes by that name when you order from switch suppliers. The difference between the two is the addition or omission of an external jumper.