
need neck help with first project


All -

My Strat neck arrived recently and today I tried to assemble my guitar. All seemed to be going okay, until I put strings on the thing. I know I need to make a neck adjustment here somehow, and I have the pro neck with side adjustment, but before I proceed I really would like someone's advice.

The neck went on fine, but once I strung the guitar, the action was far too low (even with saddles adjusted super high) and strings fretted out at the last fret on the neck. Is this a heel adjustment thing? I played a wee little bit with the side adjustment, but being a rookie at this stuff I decided not to do anything too dramatic at all, lest I royally screw something up. I really need step-by-step instructions about how to adjust the neck so that it has a forward curve to it, or just specific advice about how to proceed.

Thanks in advance.
It could be multiple things..
- have you checked the nut (press down after the second fret and see if there is some space between the nut and 1st)
- Do you have a light bow in the neck?
- take out the shim of the neck pocket (if you put one in)

What kind of bridge do you use? standard strat? 2 studs or vintage/6 screws?
Wilky's are so easy to adjust :) I love floating trems..
Hmm. Didn't check the nut. It looked fine when I had the neck on, though.  :laughing7:

I'm having a devil of a time figuring out how much curvature is in the neck to begin with. Eyeballing it just isn't working. Any advice there?

Finally, I've installed a vintage bridge w/ 6 screws. The outer saddles are lower than the others as well (they have shorter adjustment screws).

Thanks again - I know I sound stupid but I don't want to hose this project after spending so much money on parts.

Photos  of the bridge and the neck pocket area (w/neck attached) would be a big help for us.

Does the tongue of the neck (22nf fret overhang) touch the pickguard? Sometimes it can get pushed up by a pickguard that's too thick.
have you checked excess binding under the overhang??  :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:
Marko said:
have you checked excess binding under the overhang??  :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

that's shit's not funny - and it only happens to me.  :laughing3: