So I'm putting together a parts Firebird from Warmoth, and I've got all my stuff together. It's time for wiring, and I need some serious help. I've got experience with actual soldering, but as far as diagrams go, etc, I'm lost.
I've got 2 Lollar Firebird pickups (bridge and neck) w/3-conductor wiring. I want to wire it in standard Gibson style with a 3-way switch. I have questions:
1. How do I place the pickups in their cavities? Do I run them so that the red/hot wire are both pointing towards the nut/headstock? Do I do them opposite? I'm really lost on positioning of them as far as polarity, etc is concerned.
2. Is there a wiring diagram for 3-conductor wiring? I can't find any for my situation that have 3-conductor. is the best I could find.
3. Control cavity shielding? I'm hearing yes and no to this question. Any advice?
I've got 2 Lollar Firebird pickups (bridge and neck) w/3-conductor wiring. I want to wire it in standard Gibson style with a 3-way switch. I have questions:
1. How do I place the pickups in their cavities? Do I run them so that the red/hot wire are both pointing towards the nut/headstock? Do I do them opposite? I'm really lost on positioning of them as far as polarity, etc is concerned.
2. Is there a wiring diagram for 3-conductor wiring? I can't find any for my situation that have 3-conductor. is the best I could find.
3. Control cavity shielding? I'm hearing yes and no to this question. Any advice?