
Need help/advice with vintage tuners on my Warmoth Neck


Hi Everyone,

I'm a complete newbee, sorry if this has been covered already (I did do a search, but couldn't find what I was looking for). Anyhow, here's the deal:

I just received my new Warmoth Strat neck (Indian rosewood/Indian rosewood -- its beautiful!!), vintage tuner holes (11/32s). Warmoth is out of the Gotoh vintage tuners I wanted (silver, right handed), so I got some Fender branded Vintage machines from Amazon ($32, not a bad deal).  The problem is that the bushings are too big for the holes -- they don't go in at all... I'd really rather not ream out the holes -- I don't have a reaming tool, and I'd rather not change the neck in case I want different tuners later...

How do the Gotoh bushings fit? -- do they generally just drop in (as I expect), or is reaming always needed. Since warmoth is out of the Gotohs I want (they apparently are coming from Japan -- who knows when they'll get them), where is another place to get Gotohs that will fit without reaming?

Net-net, I'd really like to just put in some tuners without modifying the holes - I'm open to other options as well.

Thanks in advance!!



here you can get those Gotoh Tuners: http://www.allparts.com/6-In-Line-Keys-s/169.htm?searching=Y&sort=9&cat=169&show=20&page=1

Usually the bushings hust fit in.

Here you will find the hole measure: http://www.warmoth.com/Guitar/Necks/TunerHoles.aspx
first, having the holes reamed is not a major issue, any guitar shop can do it in less than 5 minutes
second, they make bushings for larger holes if you want to go back, Stick with the ones you received and have a shop ream the holes for you. Once on you probably will never change them.
Make sure you consider the locking version of those vintage gotohs.  They are the same footprint, look the same, and are LOCKING for onl ya few bucks more.

i'm seeing "push in" and you're probably thinking you can give it a little English with your thumb.
they're press-fit bushings and take a fair bit of effort to get in, assuming they're the correct size of course, as the retrofits will *not* work unless you go with a bigger size first. (no need to retrofit if you're already the right size!)

otherwise, the comments above are all good.
Do you have a link to which Fender "vintage" tuners you bought? I got some "F" logo tuners to go with a Tele build and had to drill out the holes.
Thanks everyone for all the great info!

Here's the link to what I bought


I definitely cannot push these in with my thumb -- even with a good bit of IRISH!  :icon_biggrin:

I think this is the same issue that the guy on the youtube "Warmoth Strat Build" (part 4) had:


I'll see if my local shop an open the holes up a bit for me. Thanks again!!
Even if they are the correct size I would be very surprised if you could push them in with your thumb.

There are many threads on this forum aobut inserting the bushings.  Have a search.

Both my Warmoth necks required a little work before I could start pressing the bushes in.  Not a lot though.

In both cases all that was needed was a little bit of time with some sand paper  to remove some of the excess finish then I used Gregs methods of pulling the bushes in using a bolt.  Others hammer them in.  ( I'm affraid I'm not that brave).  Even after sanding I would not have been able to press in with my fingers.