
Neck repair question


Hero Member
Howdy - I'm trying to help a friend get his old MIM Strat back into shape.  Maple back and maple fretboard.  It's from 1995, and has seen some use, to say the least.  I did a fret level on it and it really is shaping up nicely.  However, there is a dent in the fretboard between the nut and the first fret, about .75 inches long, running along where the A string would go.  It looks like something pushed the A string into the fretboard HARD and made a deep and nasty dent.

I don't really care about looks, but we do want a smooth feel to it.  Should I just fill with superglue and sand down?  Or is there a better way?  The soldering iron steam it out trick didn't do too much good.

Thanks for any input!  I tried convincing him to get a Warmoth neck, but he wants to make sure he's going to stick with it again first.
Ummmm.........not all of it :doh:    Try a clothes iron. You might try making a pinhole or two through the finish to allow steam to reach the wood. Sometimes the poly will stay intact and not let steam penetrate. Good luck.