Neck just arrived. Is this normal?

I would say it is the angle of the grain, elongated
Umm, actually it doesn’t seem to follow the grain at all. It definitely looks flawed to me.

What do those dark streaks feel like??? Are they smooth like the surrounding wood, or are they a different texture?

I’m thinking if they’d be burn marks, they would have been sanded out during production. And if it’s actually voids in the wood itself, then it’s inferior wood and shouldn’t have passed inspection.

Are you able to magnify it even more when you take the picture???
Looks like a router burn to me. Also looks like the string will sit about on top of it making it less noticeable. Pure Tung oil darkens roasted Maple and makes it feel less dry to the touch!
That is from when they were routing the truss rod. Totally unacceptable.

You need to call them up and ask to speak to Ken directly and give him a piece of your mind.

Then you need to post about it all over the internet so we can all have a few laughs.

Those who know, know why. Lol
Umm, actually it doesn’t seem to follow the grain at all. It definitely looks flawed to me.

What do those dark streaks feel like??? Are they smooth like the surrounding wood, or are they a different texture?

I’m thinking if they’d be burn marks, they would have been sanded out during production. And if it’s actually voids in the wood itself, then it’s inferior wood and shouldn’t have passed inspection.

Are you able to magnify it even more when you take the picture???
I do feel as if there is a difference in texture, but it’s incredibly slight and has diminished after having run my fingernail over it several times. It felt sort of tacky. Adhesive-like.
It would not bother me: It's not structural and looks kinda interesting. Does not look like a router burn to me (I have lots of experience with those that I've made myself). I think it's fine.


I'm not you. If you don't like it then you should contact warmoth.
Yeah, I’m definitely not a fan. It has a lot of contrast and is just in that one location.

That said, I know wood isn’t perfect, so I get why it’s there. Luck of the draw I suppose. Still, it’s a bit disappointing. Sorta like buying a $500 shirt with a ketchup stain on it.

Guess I’m painting the headstock!
That is from when they were routing the truss rod. Totally unacceptable.

You need to call them up and ask to speak to Ken directly and give him a piece of your mind.

Then you need to post about it all over the internet so we can all have a few laughs.

Those who know, know why. Lol
I would, but I’m down to my last piece! 😛
Guess I’m painting the headstock!
If it can be scraped off, it’s definitely a router burn. A mineral streak would have a different texture than the wood, but may not be easily minimized by scraping your fingernail over it several times.

Whatever it is, I’d be extremely disappointed if it was mine. Maybe I’m just a dick about that sort of stuff. I personally think it should have been tossed (or thrown violently) into the trash wood bin immediately after removing it from the CNC machine! But that’s me.

Anyway, that gets me around to your quote. One of the first things I thought when I saw the pics, “Did they think he was going to paint the headstock!?!”
Instead of grousing what did warmoth say.
Grousing?!?! HOW DARE YOU!?
Whhhyyyy…I have half a mind to start caterwauling!

I haven’t messaged them. I decided to post here and collect thoughts first. From the sound of it, it’s just an unfortunate cosmetic blemish.

Do I like it? No. I’d much rather it not be there. But I’d considered painting the headstock anyway, so that’s how I’ll proceed.
Cindy Crawford has a mole. She's still beautiful. If Ken were around to listen, it still wouldn't be the correct approach. Contact CSR in a moment as such. Ken taught us all to appreciate the beauty of woods and that is why we do what we do or at least myself. Apologies that piece of wood had a mark in it. It was probably not noticeable until after it got the head cut down and shaped. It is DEFINITELY not from a truss rod rout. Stay humble folks.
That is from when they were routing the truss rod. Totally unacceptable.

You need to call them up and ask to speak to Ken directly and give him a piece of your mind.

Then you need to post about it all over the internet so we can all have a few laughs.

Those who know, know why. Lol
Obviously a joke because those in the know, know Ken passed some number of years ago.

That looks like a burn of some sort.