
Neck Builder Pricing Anomaly


Mythical Status
There seems to be glitch in the pricing routine section of the Neck Builder. Or, maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Once you pick a neck and fretboard wood, it generates a price, puts it in the "Price" box and also in the "Subtotal" box to the right of the builder's main body. That makes sense.

But, if your fretboard wood has "Unique Choice" possibilities, you can start rowing through those to see if anything turns you on. Where the glitch shows up is as soon as you look at the first choice, it doesn't add the upcharge to the "Price" box, but it does add it to "Subtotal" box. In other words, simply looking at your choices adds an upcharge. Once it does that, the upcharge never goes away. Even if you go in and select "Optional" again, so as to indicate you don't want a "Unique Choice", the upcharge stays on the subtotal.

It seems as though the "Price" box and "Subtotal" box should both increment in tandem, just for starters. But, if you don't actually choose anything, the upcharge should go away.

So, my first suggestion is that it be fixed. Unless, there's nothing wrong and I'm just not understanding how that all works. But, if it is me, it's probably others as well, because it's certainly not clear that there's any other way to do all that.

My second suggestion, which I think would be much better, would be to open a pop-up window that shows what unique choices are available, and let you enlarge choices by clicking on them. Once you find one that you can't live without, there should be a checkbox or a radio button next to it that allows you to select it, with the default being "no selection". Only then should the "Price" and "Subtotal" boxes be updated.

As it is now, you have to row though all the choices one-by-one and try to remember what you looked at last or which one you already saw that you might like better, etc. It's cumbersome.
Cagey said:
As it is now, you have to row though all the choices one-by-one and try to remember what you looked at last or which one you already saw that you might like better, etc. It's cumbersome.

What I do is look through Unique Choice options from the Necks page. It's easier that way, and all you have to do is remember the number when you go to the builder to order.

But I would agree, I don't like the way the builder is set up for selecting Unique Choice options.
How do you like that? I didn't even know that was there. That's more or less the pop-up window I had in mind to show up in the builder if one chose to review which unique choices were available. That's good. Means a generous pile of the code they need is already written.
I figured out a workaround for the unique choice fretboard a long time ago.
If you decide you don't want a unique choice, change the fretboard material, then put it back.  It'll revert to the correct price.

It's not pretty, but it works.
Done spec'd it and ordered 'er up. No unique choice needed after all. Should be here in about 6 weeks I would guess, since there's no finish.

What got me on this problem was a desire to use some fancy Ziricote. I'd seen this problem before, but never worked at it long enough to prove it was repeatable or define exactly what the ruleset was that caused it to occur, so I couldn't describe it well enough to report it.

Anyway, I ended up with a 24.75" scale Warhead with Bloodwood neck meat and black Ebony fingerboard, no inlay, gold 6100s. I changed my mind about putting that Rosewood neck I recently ordered on the transparent cranberry black Korina VIP. Instead, I'm going to put that on the old PRS-style VIP once it's finished, and put the Bloody Warhead on the cranberry VIP. I think the woods will be more complementary in both appearance and character in both cases.
Cagey said:
Anyway, I ended up with a 24.75" scale Warhead with Bloodwood neck meat and black Ebony fingerboard, no inlay, gold 6100s. ... [cagey plans to] put the Bloody Warhead on the cranberry VIP. I think the woods will be more complementary in both appearance and character in both cases.

Nobody ever pissed off the rock'n'roll gods by going with a lot of red.  Good choice.

And here's your neck decal:

Ok, it's seriously time to get out of my head.  I've been talking with W about a Bloodwood/JB Ebony VM strat neck without inlays, but I want an Ebony skunk stripe.  I'd originally wanted a W headstock, but Bloodwood doesn't take kindly to neck joints.  This is as a sister neck to my all time favorite bass neck.

I originally wanted a W headstock, too, but couldn't for that same reason. So, rather than do the Strat thing, I figured a Warhead was sufficiently different that it would be ok.
Yup. Good for them. Wish they'd work in that section from the neck area where they display all the choices available at once, though. It's hard to find, and really belongs in the builder anyway.