
Neck binding question


Hey guys, just a quick question. I will hopefully be purchasing a neck soon, and I was wondering, does neck binding serve any sort of purpose or function on a guitar? Or is it mostly just an aesthetic kind of thing?  - Thanks
I can't see it being anything positive other than it's aesthetic qualities.
The more plastic on the guitar, the worse, if you ask me.
The The Heritage I looked at recently had binding over the fret ends. :icon_thumright:

Warmoth binding is just around the board, and the frets go over it, so it's mostly for looks... however, on my Warmoth Strat neck, the edges of the rosewood fretboard were cut a little too square (almost to the point of being sharp) so, maybe a plastic edge would be smoother? I don't know.
It takes away the stainless steel frets option, which is why I won't get a bound neck.
elgravos said:
also makes it more complicated (and expensive) to change the frets down the road.

there have the SS frets, Warmoth doesn't make it on necks with binding, because it's harder to do, but can be made...