
Necessity, invention and Warmoth Necks.


Junior Member

and you can find a more detailed explanation of the contours (and how they measure up to their Standard thin) already on the website...
Max said:
Okay, I'm confused... I know I'm looking at back contours, but what exactly?

... sorry, thought it would be obvious.  These are collections of two back contours overlayed on each other.  This way you can see how the profiles compare, versus just the numbers.  The Clapton, Boat and SRV lines you can tell by the color.  The '59 Roundback (as red) and the Fatback (as aqua - the same colors used on the Warmoth site) are the two that are not annotated.  Hope that makes it more clear ... 
I took measurements of all my existing necks with digital calipers and that kind of helped me pick.  But ultimately you just have to let your gut pick it.  I went with a 1 3/4 wide SRV because I really like the 1 11/16 neck on my LP, which is very similar, almost identical,  to the Roundback.  The SRV is like an asymmetrical Roundback.  So I basically went with something similar but slightly wider and asymmetrical; just for variety sake.  I took me months to decide; what a relief to finally choose.  It's gonna be great.  These necks seem to hold their value; so if you choose wrong you'll have no trouble unloading it for nearly what you got it for;  then you can go through the whole ordeal again but a wee-bit wiser
there I was, just the other day thinking it would be nice if there was something available in between the standard thin and the 59 roundback (without being assymetrical like the Wolfgang...).  Sort of like a Gibson 60s slim taper which is slightly more substantial than the standard thin...  that would pretty much make my day.
I met Jimmy Herring in Seattle and took him some necks he wanted to check out. I got to take a look at his custom shop Fender Strat and the neck on it had a very interesting shape. It was like a Warmoth standard thin with the shoulders sanded down but not quite to a V shape. Jimmy said it was his favorite neck to play on.

I took measurements of it and duplicated it for a neck of my own. I've been playing on it for quite awhile now and everyone that touches that neck comments on how great the contour feels. Others here at Warmoth really like it as well and we've all felt A LOT of necks. So, we are working on adding it to our list of contour options.