
My Warmoth Projects #1 And #2


Junior Member
Here is my first Warmoth project.  Black korina body, purpleheart/ebony neck, stainless steel frets, Seymour Duncan Parallel Axis Distortion.  I still have to install the string tree thing.


I did a few coats on tung oil, but I plan to sand it down, apply some pore filler, then the sanding sealer stuff, then paint it with the Duplicolor "Mirage" paint that achieves this effect, and then give a few extra layers of Duplicolor clear.  I hope it works.  :laughing8:


Here is my second Warmoth project.  Swamp ash body, padauk/pau ferro neck, stainless steel frets, Seymour Duncan Jazz, Seymour Duncan Vintage Rail, Seymour Duncan JB (trembucker).  I still have to install the string tree thing and the straplocks.  I attempted to do the wiring like a G&L S-500 PTB, but could not find the 201K (.0002uF) treble bleed capacitor anywhere.  So I got two 100pF (.0001uF) at Radio Shack and hope that those two together will equate to the 201.  :icon_scratch:


I did a few coats on Tru-oil, but I plan to sand it down, apply some pore filler, then the sanding sealer stuff, then paint it with the Duplicolor "Black Effex" paint that is basically gloss black with some various colors of very tiny metal flakes floating in it that are visible in bright light. And again,then give a few extra layers of Duplicolor clear and sand/polish after it has fully cured per usual to try to get it shiny.
Nice guitars snouter,
Love the raw vibe, can't wait to see how the paint turns out.
The string tree's will really improve the tone, I was surprised especially when I added the second one to the D and G strings, you'll be pleasantly surprised as well.
Nice pickup choices, love the 3 pickup guitar, alot of people don't use em that much, but I like having choices for different situations, can really make different song parts stand out.
by the way totally dig your Youtube vids, always interesting and entertaining, you should get like a series going, throw in a few jokes and "walla" fame and fortune and free guitars for life ...hahahahaahaha  :party07:
I never really understood the string trees being necessary. Do they really improve the tone, as I thought they were just for keeping the strings from sliding out of the nut.

I also love the raw look. That swamp ash is gorgeous.
Thanks Superbeast520!  I was hoping to do another vid demonstrating the tones of the three pickups.    I wish I had done some baseline testing when the pickups were in my swamp ash G&L S-500, but to my ears in this Warmoth swamp ash/padauk guitar, the split neck/middle tones and the split bridge/middle tones sound more Strat-like and usable.  Plus the Jazz pickup still sounds....jazzy  :laughing7: and the JB is capable of some heavy tone and harmonics when distorted.  :headbang:  I still have to fine tune the bridge height and intonation, and double check the neck relief.

Hi CD, I noticed that with heavy diving using the Wilky tremolo, the string tension at the nut is decreased and bottom contact is reduced such that as Superbeast520 pointed out, string vibration is compromised.

Just as a follow up, I am researching the clear coat situation and apparently Deft nitrocellulose lacquer available from the mega home improvement stores dries better.
I love them both!!
and I love your Youtube videos too! I wish there were more warmoth demos on youtube, especially the ones involving the more non-standard woods:).  At least we now know that the pupleheart-ebony/korina combo works really well :):)

So Snouter how does the purpleheart compare to the padouk, do they have the same 'feel'?

Top notch lookin strats Snouter.. :headbang:

I really think I'm going to try a Wilky/locking tuner combo on my next build..