
my "other" warmoth


Junior Member
the one i got off ebay, that 59', remember ?


also another version with a f*nder :)


hope you like the playing
keep missing the bend there, hehe.
The Strat is probably the better blues guitar, but I really love that LP.  Nice playing, too.  :icon_thumright:
dbw said:
The Strat is probably the better blues guitar, but I really love that LP.  Nice playing, too.   :icon_thumright:
Depends what flavor of blues you're talking about. A certain Eric used a Paul in his blues in the 60's.
it does depend
for all those crazy fast stuff i prefer the fender
but for stormy monday/zep/cream i'd take the warmoth paul anyday
i'll do a blues improv on friday and up it just so you could see it depends mostly on uses and sound for that particular frame of mind.
For me anything remotely straty seems to bring out Saucerful of Secrets era Pink Floyd style stuff but then again I am a prog fan so that's almost inevitable.