
my new bodys finish is soft.


Junior Member
my new body has a red sparkle finish and when I took the neck off I was suprised to see that the neckplate has sunk into the finish enough to feel and see it. Is there any chance this could break through the finish ? the warmoth body is about a month old and is too beautiful to ruin.
My guess would be that, rather than the finish being soft, you may have screwed your neckplate down really tight.  But on the off chance, you might pull your pickguard off and see how easy it is to mar the finish in some out-of-the-way location to verify. 

As always, the Warmoth folks are happy to field your questions and tend to know what they're talking about (unlike some of us forum poseurs)  so you might give them a call and ask for help.
Hey ericar,

First, welcome to the forum...

Second, what you have is a good reason to use one of these.  I never put a neck on without a pad.  For $2.00 you can't go wrong.



Good luck &  :rock-on:

line6man said:
Black Dog said:
Hey ericar,

First, welcome to the forum...

Second, what you have is a good reason to use one of these.  I never put a neck on without a pad.  For $2.00 you can't go wrong.



Good luck &  :rock-on:

I never understood why people want those.
Who cares if the area under the neck plate compresses? That part is ALWAYS covered.

Hey, it's just the OCD in me.  But that doesn't mean I am not a nice person...
I have wasted a lot more for a lot less.  For $2, it makes me feel good.  :headbang1:

I don't care about the looks under the plate but I will care if the finish breaks. I never saw the plate pad before but I think I will give it a try.
The body is poplar.
ericar said:
The body is poplar.

thats even softer...go withthe plate...it will help distribute the load.  Be sure not to CONAN the bolts.  I only use a small screwdriver so not to over tighten.  I wonder if there is a recomended torque for those?
Sounds like you really torqued that thing on there. If the plate is truly laying flush to the body, the most you should get is a faint outline. Then again, I've never had to take a neck off after putting one on so I could be wrong.
That's happened to me on all of my Warmoth and Fender bodies, I never though much of it, I assumed it was supposed to happen. I mean the idea is to have a tight joint right? Makes sense to me.