
My New Album: "Rain Won't Fall"


Somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
Staff member
Just released a new batch of songs (are we still calling them "albums"?) called Rain Won't Fall. I've posted some of the songs here before, but others are brand new. You can hear all of them on my website aarontunes.com, or they are streaming on Spotify, Amazon, etc. (Maybe not Apple Music yet....they always take longer than the others for some reason).

Great ”album cover”, good sounds, lots of good riffs and bass lines! ”Bad Solution” was maybe my favorite, where thought I heard some riffs that reminded me of the band Thunder.
Great ”album cover”, good sounds, lots of good riffs and bass lines! ”Bad Solution” was maybe my favorite, where thought I heard some riffs that reminded me of the band Thunder.

Thanks for checking it out! Really appreciate that.

The album cover story is kind of funny. I had been trying to come up with an idea that echoed the musical content. I tried a few ideas but nothing really settled. Eventually everything else was done, and because I was impatient for the whole thing to be done I started uploading the tracks to CD Baby for distribution. When I came to the part where you have to upload the cover I was still impatient, so I just ran out in my backyard, drew it in some dirt with a stick, took a phone picture, ran back inside and did a little Photoshopping, and uploaded it. I think it ended up being perfect.

Limitation is the mother of creativity, I guess. :)
Nice album, Aaron, I have a soft spot for Seven Circle (really good). Nice rock sounds that will be on my next roadtrip playlist for sure. Thanks for putting out good music!
When I get home I'll listen. I will say, for me, when it comes to all forms of art, it's my limitations that force creativity. Your album cover looks great!
That's rockin stuff!! (y)(y) Nice production, first track reminds me very favorably of Bon Jovi. Seven Circles was fun, Bulletproof too. Vocals are really top-notch, and really the production overall seems flawless, lotta great sounds and obvious care in the mixing
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