
My first guitar - lead me!!!

As for pickups, they are so subjective it's hard to recommend.  A good place to read about H-S-S combinations is here (I'm not saying buy the pickups here, but they do go into some description of the tones of some pickups, and give some options regarding wiring potential):


Also check out Harmony Central, which has user reviews of various pickups.

If you're trying to get MK's tone, keep in mind that he uses a variety of guitars still.  He still pulls out the strat in concert (check out the youtube videos of Sailing to Philadelphia).  Money for Nothing is (I think) an EMG-type humbucker sound; but many artists used EMGs in the 1980s because they were one of the few noiseless pickups.  Now you have a ton of options in that category.

Make sure to get a coil tap wiring config so you can get the 2-4 clean sounds MK loves to play with.
???? Knopfler's unique sound is based on the way he PLAYS, pickups have little to do with it, and wood even less...

I did photography for his UK label and his management company (Ed Bicknell/Damage Mgmt.) and spent weeks on the road with them in '79-'80 in England/Germany when they were touring in support of their first album. Mark had a grand total of three Strats, all early '60s models with stock PUs/wiring, two red ones, one maple neck (see pic below, huge blowups in mgr's office) , one with rosewood fretboard, and a black one with maple neck, all pre-CBS early 60's models, probably 61-64's, all alder bodies

His effects chain was minimalist, Morley volume pedal, MXR analog delay, Roland chorus, some kind of compressor unit. He would mostly just use the Morley and the compressor. He had Fender Twin Reverbs and MusicMan HD-130s, I think he mainly used the HD-130s on stage, but would switch to the Fenders for some songs.

SO... If you're you're looking for that 1st album, "Sultans of Swing" kind of sound, that's all you need, plus about a decade of working on the playing technique....



WIth regard to pickups, I've downloaded two clips for you to consider:


I recorded the Fralin VIntage Hots; this guitar is alder with Rosewood fingerboard. 
I recorded the Fralin Blues Pickups; this guitar is alder with Maple fingerboard.  These pickups are 5% overwound compared to the Vintage Hots. 

The amp is tweed instead of Blackface as Jackthehack posted, so the sound isn't dead on.  I didn't spend a whole lot of time getting the music perfect (basically first takes through windows sound recorder) so obviously you'll have to hear the pickups through my bad playing.  :icon_tongue:  Both guitars were recorded with the neck and middle pickups.

Anyway, the point is even subtle differences in pickups mean big differences in clean tones.  Not recommending the fralins (because I have no experience with the HB's), just trying to give a reference point.
Thanks for the audio files... it helps a lot to hear the differences and subtleties of different pickups.
I also really appreciate having it reinforced that the most important thing in any players repertoire is his own abilities.
I've heard players say that all the guitars and pickups and effects and amps put together can't give anyone more expression than their own left hand.
ultimately, i have to play some different pickups and really decide what sounds best to me, as played by me.
As for looks, I'm warming up to the recessed look... will start to mull that over too.
I'll start talking with the guy putting it all together for me about the electronics...
Open invitation to keep giving me input, PLEASE... the more I know, the more likely I'll have a great instrument to put together and enjoy... with pics to post every step of the way!!!
More to come...