
My 1.5 month abscence.


Hero Member
Hi guys,

first of all, sorry that I haven't posted for 1.5 months (and before that time less than I did before). Secondly, I'm afraid that I will only post less and less. Let me explain why, if you don't mind :)

Last summer, I got an appartment in Amsterdam. I moved from the elderly home in the Hague to Amsterdam. For many people a wish coming true, for me nothing more but a logical step. I've been dating my current girlfriend for almost 4 years (dating doesn't seem to quite cover the load, but ok), and the most logical step was to move in together. Wether or not romantically induced, we did, and for now, it works fine.

Moving also meant having to switch jobs. That was the most exciting thing of it all, could I get a job in Amsterdam? One that suited my profile and capabilities. I used to work in the largest cinema in the Hague, and I'm happy that that cinema is part of a larger corporation, Pathe Theatre. They have multiplexes all over the country (with the largest of all being in Amsterdam; 14 screens, Imax, 3250 seats, for dutch standards: HUGE). Anyway, my supervisors were reluctant to let me go, but they did, and they placed me in that huge-ass cinema, as a projectionist, again. I've been that in the The Hague-theater, and now I have that same job again in Amsterdam.

Living together already is a huge strain on my leasure-time, which I prefer to fill up with sleeping, drinking great coffee or scotch, and playing guitar (and less and less the internet).

My boss came up with a new idea though. Apparently he's so satisfied with my work, he gave me shifts 3 to 4 days a week, where I used to have 1 or 2, maybe 3. I work till 1 AM, sometimes 4 AM, so where is my free time then? well, out of the window :P its getting better though to mix my work and free time, up until last week. The 'brass' wants to give me a new function in the company, something that will make more money, more hours, more responsibility... I grabbed that chance ofcourse, and they're working out the details, I've been making a career for myself superfast; within 18 months of service, they offer me this kind of a job; not bad!

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that I'm having even less time to spend (on the internet, haha).

My mum always used to say, change comes in threes. moving to amsterdam, new job... so, whats the third? well, my girlfriends uncle has been diagnosed with cancer (well, its only sure for 70%, but the 30% of not having cancer is maybe even worse than cancer), my girlfriends grandfather has a degenerative muscle-disease (he's been like a grandfather to me, and I see him as such too, by the way) and my own grandmother had a stroke, went to a coma for 3 days, and can no barely lift a finger...

Thats also a major strain on my personal life. For now I don't seem to realize the impact of all those illnesses,  but I think it will hit, sometime...

So, now you know :) The short story is: I've been busy, and I will for time to come ;)
That's a lot in one go! I hope those close to you pull through the best they can. Disease in the family really really sucks, I'm on my third very ill grandparent now... As I'm sure you know already, the worst thing to do under the circumstances is to not allow yourself to feel the pain because that can really break you.

Congratulations on the job and love fronts, well done! :icon_thumright: I know that can cut down on internet time rather drastically, all I do around here these days is look at some pretty pictures and take part in the Jams.
Orpheo, i'm sorry to hear about the illnesses in your family.  Congrats on the new job & apartment though. 
Sorry to hear about the illnesses. :( I'm sure once once everything settles down you'll be able to figure out a routine and find some me time. When I first got married it was so difficult. My wife couldn't understand why I played for hours everyday. She didn't understand me being in the garage with my truck til 1 in the morning. Then when the baby came she(the baby) wanted to sleep during prime practice hours. It was a mess. Headphones and a DOD multi f/x unit are no fun! Eventually things worked out. My wife was able to understand that it wasn't like it was an attempt to avoid her. It is what makes me me. It did get ugly for a bit. I explained to her that my guitar and my Chevy were around long before her and she married all three of us. Eventually it sunk in. Good luck :occasion14:
It's great to hear that your job/career is taking off a bit. Congrats.

And congrats on the improving relationship with your partner too. That's great to read.

Not so good you now have some illnesses in your families, and I hope that you make some allowances for yourself while you are being the good family member and visiting or helping those who are sick. From my own experience you really have to tear yourself away from someone you love who is quite ill sometimes, for your own sake. You feel terrible at the times you do take that respite, but it is neccessary to continuing the other parts of your life.

Having made, what?, 9 or so Warmoth LPs, will we be seeing many more? I guess not. You hav a unique collection though, so be proud of the good work you have put into those and sit back when you can and blast away!
Hi, no, i have  done 13 warmoths. Maybe I'll make a 14th, so all are in pairs. stil/ itching to have a walnut top on Lorimar, with an ebony neck and a tremking trem.

I just got word. My girlfriends uncle still has 2 months to live, maximum.