Too long ago, I told bro Vic that I'd redo his Mustang.
As some may recall, it was really in sad shape - needed total refret, needed major body work.
The neck is done!~
And here's some pictures of the body - rapidly nearing completion. The color is shell pink, from Re-Ranch. The clearcoats are good ol' Cabot rattle can lacquer. For gloss, Cabot is a tad better than Deft. It sands easier, but both give great results. Deft is the clear winner on satin finish. Defts satin is "to die for", and will buff to almost mirror bright, leaving a soft patina that says "aged" very well.
So, its coming along -
The back needs one more wet coat. The front needs a quick level, then two wet coats. After that - it sits for two weeks, followed by final sand with 600 or 800 grit, and buff to "not quite mirror". The body has defects that are not going to be fixed, so I'm not going for 100 percent mirror bright.
The neck will need to be "dumbed down" a bit, lose its brilliance, get some ciggy burns and character, then be mated to the body.
As some may recall, it was really in sad shape - needed total refret, needed major body work.
The neck is done!~
And here's some pictures of the body - rapidly nearing completion. The color is shell pink, from Re-Ranch. The clearcoats are good ol' Cabot rattle can lacquer. For gloss, Cabot is a tad better than Deft. It sands easier, but both give great results. Deft is the clear winner on satin finish. Defts satin is "to die for", and will buff to almost mirror bright, leaving a soft patina that says "aged" very well.
So, its coming along -

The back needs one more wet coat. The front needs a quick level, then two wet coats. After that - it sits for two weeks, followed by final sand with 600 or 800 grit, and buff to "not quite mirror". The body has defects that are not going to be fixed, so I'm not going for 100 percent mirror bright.
The neck will need to be "dumbed down" a bit, lose its brilliance, get some ciggy burns and character, then be mated to the body.