
Mount Everest in 2 Billion Pixels

Death by Uberschall

Master Member

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Thanks for sharing that. I thought "cool" then I saw the camps at the base and my sense of scale was tossed out the window. Amazing!
There are lots of bodies, many of which are now trail markers.
Link goes to pictures & video, click at your own discretion: http://sometimes-interesting.com/2011/06/29/over-200-dead-bodies-on-mount-everest/
I've always wondered if that had something to do with the name Ever - rest. Cause if you die on the mountain, the odds of retrieving your body are slim to none.
Nope. It's because there are three mountains in that area. In order of ascending height they are:

Mount Ever
Mount Everer
Mount Everest
Nice one. If you don't already have kids, the ability to make up plausible sounding pseudoscientific BS on the spot is a skill that comes in handy with 4 year olds, and will serve you well. I'm working on it in anticipation.

Chomolungma was given the name in honor of  Colonel Sir George Everest, because they didn't know its local name because nobody in Tibet would talk to them, fearing annexation by the British. (Not an unfounded fear)
I couldn't understand thr route on this picture...
It's really intriguing and fascinating... But I bet I could not climb any mountain with my golden-arm....