
Moar akshun!!!


Hero Member
Buried somewhere in a not-so-recent thread was a brief exchange between, I believe, Superlizard and another poster, who discussed the benefits of higher action. Having noticed recently that my Strat was not performing to the utmost (fret buzz, fretting out during bends, etc.), I set out to test their theory by raising the action ever so slightly. I must say the difference is astounding! I thought the neck might have been in need of some relief, but all of the problems I was experiencing have disappeared. The thing plays so much better, and sounds better as a result (though that is in all likelihood due to my increased confidence in the instrument).

Lesson learned: super low action is not always the most desirable setup option! This might not seem like much of a discovery to a lot of you, but it was certainly a revelation for me, a student of the "lower is better" school of thought. Eureka!  :headbang:
yeah, I agree. I like it better, cause its makes bending easier :P I like to bend below other strings... try to do that with low action.
Orpheo said:
yeah, I agree. I like it better, cause its makes bending easier :P I like to bend below other strings... try to do that with low action.

i love the title to this thread so much so i had to coment before i even read what anyone has written. amazing!  :laughing8: