
Michael Bolton Is Back

I almost suffocated from laughing so hard when I saw it the other night. I think it's great that michael bolton doesn't take himself too seriously to do something like this.
that was hilarious

it is good to see Micheal can laugh at himself

but face it guys, we may think he is a dweeb, but he is a very rich dweeb who gets laid by some very sexy women.
Ha!  Pretty funny!

You know, it is too bad that he decided to sing schlock-pop because he really does have a pretty cool voice...
Wasn't it Michael Bolten that actually did some metal back in the day? Then moved on to what he's better known for? I swear I thought that was Bolten who had done that.
Michael Bolton should join a feckin 80's hair band, I think he would kick ass with some d*ck swinging guitar riffage.  :laughing7:
JaySwear said:
Wasn't it Michael Bolten that actually did some metal back in the day? Then moved on to what he's better known for? I swear I thought that was Bolten who had done that.

Yep, that's your guy.  I remember a video from the '80s in which he's sporting this big hairsprayed mane and is rockin' out - with a white acoustic guitar over his shoulder to contrast with his black open-collared shirt and black leather pants.
I'd be willing to be that Weird Al Yankovich is pissed for not having thought of this first ....

Very strange indeed.
Thanks for making me remember this [sarcasm]

My little sister will be excited about that! :icon_thumright:


Mikey really nails it at the end 2:32
whitebison66 said:
Thanks for making me remember this [sarcasm]


That is an actual tune! thanks for this! :)
whitebison66 said:
Thanks for making me remember this [sarcasm]


"There's a cheezy atom bomb explosion all the big groups use!"
- Frank Zappa, "Be In My Video"

Also, loving the arena-rock reverb on the snare.
That SNL bit is a riot, but I still dislike Michael Bolton and all of the horrible music he made 20 years ago. Which was on the radio and MTV non-stop.

However I guess i can drop him off my top-ten most hated list now, because this is pretty funny and that counts for something. Maybe in 20 years Nickelback will make a funny music video. 
Bob is also a big Michael Bolton Fan!!

Is it wrong I just bought the Everybody's Crazy album?

Does that fact I only paid £0.70 for it help :P  :icon_jokercolor: