
Metallic Copper


Hero Member
I shot this copper early today when there was no breeze stirring up dust.  The first picture is the product that was used.  McFadden’s water white lacquer mixed one part lacquer with one and a half parts of lacquer thinner and a half part of lacquer retarder to make it two parts of thinner to one part finish.

Next I poured off some clear into a smaller jar and mixed a heaping tablespoon of powder in the finish.

The Swamp Ash body was prepped in black lacquer to insure a smooth level surface and the copper covers the black better.

I spray the metallic real dry with lots of air and little fluid pressure.  I try to stay about 10 to 12 inches from the surface and go slow.  Here it is after the first coat, you can still see black through the copper and it looks a little mottled.

Here it is after the second coat.  I turned the fluid up a little more and almost swirled the gun as I sprayed so that I would not get a spray pattern.  It looks pretty good!  I’ll let it hang for a several hours and then shoot a couple dry coats of clear on it.

I make sure to blow the surface off with air every time I spray before every coat.  I also wet the floor down and then mist the air with water to knock any dust that is floating to the ground.  You cannot wet sand dust out of metallic so you have to be real careful about that.  
Here’s the plan.
1. Callaham Parchment White single ply pickguard.
2. Eldorado hardware.
3. A set Joe Barden Pickups from 2000.
4. 1 11/16 nut “59” Roundback Total Vintage Birdseye Maple neck with 6150 frets.
5. Satin Lacquer finish over the Copper.
Tonar8353 said:
Here’s the plan.
1. Callaham Parchment White single ply pickguard.
2. Eldorado hardware.
4. 1 11/16 nut “59” Roundback Total Vintage Birdseye Maple neck with 6150 frets.
Birdseye, Callaham, and eldorado :P Why do none of those surprise me?
That is a beauty  :headbang1:
I have been considering a gold top, but I am groovin' heavy with that copper top...
Has a more laid back look :glasses9:
Pics and more pics please
please no eldorado!
save it for belts...

but I love the idea of a satin clear over the metallic- a classy detail.
That finish looks really cool! I'd like to see that on the top of a les paul with a black binding and a clear back!

I like the Extra Brilliant Copper label on the can!
Very nice work Tonar!
Thanks for the info.

Is that the Crescent Bronze Powder that Erlewine talks about?

very nice.  Got to love metal flake.

Here are some motorcycle tanks I painted....

The 1st is gold flake over black with gold leaf flames.

the second is gold metal mixed with red candy over white.

Flakes are really easy to use...I think folks are just scared to try.
Is that the Crescent Bronze Powder that Erlewine talks about?

Yes, the company I retired from in February sells it so I can buy it direct from Crescent.  Unfortunately Crescent Bronze only sells 1 lb cans and that is enough to paint a boatload of guitars. If you call Crescent @ 800-445-6810 and get a color chart of their 111 Pigments & Colors and find something you like let me know and I can get you a price.

I currently have # 5 Metallic Green which I used on mayfly’s paisley Tele.  It is a really killer Green Metallic. I also have #27 Fire Lining and #253 Extra Brilliant Copper.  

If anyone is interested in buying a few ounces to do a guitar PM me and I’ll sell you some.  
Tonar8353 said:
Is that the Crescent Bronze Powder that Erlewine talks about?

If anyone is interested in buying a few ounces to do a guitar PM me and I’ll sell you some.  

that is a good offer.  that stuff is expensive!!!