
Medium-baritone scale necks.


Hero Member
Well I have a 28.5" on order now, which I think will do the trick for those of us that play metal for the most part. However I think something in the middle--between the 28.5 and the Fender scale--would be more ideal for someone like myself who likes tuning down to say C#, with a dropped B. I'm debating breaking down an Epi LP and have a custom 27" scale neck for it. I'm wishing this was something W could do so it's here in the suggestion box.

The Mike Mushok PRS would be way better than any frankenstein Epiphone. It's got a 27.7 inch scale length though, so maybe it's close enough or too long?  :dontknow:
You can tune a 28.5 to C# / drop b with no problems. No biggie. The 28.5 adds almost exactly two frets worth of length, so for a strat-type tension and a set of 10s, D or C# is the sweet spot. Go lower and you want bigger strings.
rockskate4x said:
The Mike Mushok PRS would be way better than any frankenstein Epiphone.

If you're talking about the Korean silverburst ones, I tried two and didn't care for them. The hardware felt a little cheap, it didn't sound all that great, and I'm not in the market for another flat top baritone - oh, and I hate Silverburst with a passion. I tried an Epiphone of comparable quality, cheaper, but it had some lame kiddie goth finish I could do without. There's a 26.5" Schecter out there in all-black (zzzzzzz) equipped with a '59 & JB too. The best baritone I was actually able to find was a Washburn Idol baritone, really nice - I went back to buy it and it was gone! It has a really long scale length if I recall.

Regarding the Epi LP, I have two, and the one in question has a damaged neck and is lined up for a refinish project anyway. This would be a good opportunity to have someone build a 27" set neck for it, with custom inlays and the whole wish list.

Having said all that, having a nice easy option to dial up warmoth and have them build me a bolt-on 27" one would be great.  
Yamaha used to have the AES 820 with a 26 1/4th scale. Idk what their equivalent of it is now, or if there is one at all but it might be worth looking in to.

The custom LP idea sounds awesome though.