
Maple neck mahogany body.


Junior Member
I really want to build a copy of the Dave Murray signature fender Stratocaster but with some up grades of my own.
First is a standard thin neck with the compound radius,Jumbo SS frets, Dual humbuckers (No middle pickup) and a mahogany body and maple neck.
So my question is, What does everyone think of a mahogany body with an all maple neck and fretboard?
I love it!!  :headbang1:




Man! Those are beautiful!
Whats your tone like? Maple neck and board with mahogany,in theory, should be bad ass. Best of both worlds.
I have owned a few guitars that were Maple neck ebony fret board with Mahogany body and the tone is indeed huge.
A bit to much lows and low mids for fast music though
My oldest warmoth strat is mahogany body with a standard thin maple neck and ebony fretboard.
It's got a very well balanced and open tone.
Samhain said:
Man! Those are beautiful!
Whats your tone like? Maple neck and board with mahogany,in theory, should be bad ass. Best of both worlds.

Very thick and full range tone. Not muddy, just right. :icon_thumright:
Death by Uberschall said:
Samhain said:
Man! Those are beautiful!
Whats your tone like? Maple neck and board with mahogany,in theory, should be bad ass. Best of both worlds.

Very thick and full range tone. Not muddy, just right. :icon_thumright:

That's good to know. I'm going to build something very similar (Strat body, though) and set it up for Nashville tuning, and I think the "thick and full range tone" will be an asset to such high tuning.