
Make the gallery searchable

  • Thread starter Thread starter swarfrat
  • Start date Start date


Okay, this is kind of a long shot, especially since not everyone in the gallery describes everything. But it would be oh so cool to be able to search the gallery like we can searching in stock bodies. Show me all the walnut top tele's. Show me the mahogany transparent finishes.  If the web guys are sitting around twiddling their thumbs (after they get done getting all the other body builders online.)
Create your own database record template with all the fields you'd like searchable, find a unique key for each image (filename?), and start building. I'm sure people would help with details as you go along. It would gradually get better over time as each example had more precise data filled in. It actually sounds like sort of a fun project. If I didn't have so many irons in the fire already...