
LPS must be nearly ready & Fralin Humbuckers


Junior Member
Hi All,

I ordered my LPS body and neck 13 weeks ago.  The rep said it would be approximately 10 - 12 weeks.
I've surprised myself at how patient I've been, but now it's getting near I can't wait to see it.  I guess It should be here anytime soon.

Unfortunatley I won't be able to build it up until I have completed our living room.  Plaster on the walls, skirting boards, decorated, doors fitted and a floor would be real nice  :icon_biggrin:
That's was the justification to my girlfriend for buying the guitar.  Finish the living room and I can build what I want.  I've achieved more on the room in the last 13 weeks than I did the whole of last year.  A great incentive plan, I just wish I'd been a little quicker.

On a different matter, when I ordered the guitar I asked for a couple of Lindy Fralin humbuckers.  Warmoth don't usually stock them but my rep said he would see what he could do.  He then confirmed that he had ordered me some.  I now see they are advertising humbuckers on the warmoth site.  Good on yer Warmoth.  They definitely listen to their customers which is just great.

I've two other guitars with Fralins in.  One with three single coils and one humbucker/single/single.  I know they are not everyones cup of tea but I love them.
chuck7 said:
sweet, I'm not the only guy to build an LPS :)

I think we are a definitely in the minority.

I was really pleased when you posted your pics, I really like it and it gave me confidence that I've done the right thing.

I ordered the LPS before I discovered this forum and have been surprised to see that nearly every other guitar is a LP. (ok they are a lot of teles too)  I began to think there must be something wrong with the LPS design.  (Not Warmoths but the Gibson original)

A luthier friend of mine said he would always go for the LP over the LPS, I showed him a picture off the Warmoth site of the unfinished LPS body and to his surprise he said he liked it.

To be honest I've never really been a big fan of the Gibson Les Paul Specials.  The ones I have seen have always been really plain flat tops with a single colour solid finish, nothing really to impress.  But I think the carved top should look great.

I have a fantastic Gibson Historic 58 so I thought I'd give the LPS ago to be a little different.

Do you find that they are a little neck heavy?  The strap button is that bit further over and of course there is less weight to the body.  I've gone for the chambered body so that will be a tad lighter still.  I'm sure it will be fine though.

Thanks for the reply.  Cheers Dave