
Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair


Epic Member
Charlie Hunter gets it done (all by his lonesome):

Amen, brother! I've been a huge CH fan for years. He's one of the most amazing guitar players on the planet; I've heard him referred to as "the man with two brains" for his simultaneous comping and leads, and bass lines. This is a fairly early clip that shows him using his Novax 8 string. Charlie now uses a 7 string (3 bass, 4 guitar) made for him by Jeff Traugott. Thanks for posting this.
mrpinter said:
Amen, brother! I've been a huge CH fan for years. He's one of the most amazing guitar players on the planet; I've heard him referred to as "the man with two brains" for his simultaneous comping and leads, and bass lines. This is a fairly early clip that shows him using his Novax 8 string. Charlie now uses a 7 string (3 bass, 4 guitar) made for him by Jeff Traugott. Thanks for posting this.
Stu Hamm is the only bass player I've ever seen that can do that..Serveral songs he did his bass line and the rhythm guitar lines simultaniously whilst Joe was soloing....I was just mesmerized...thinking how the phuch is he doing that.... :icon_scratch: